Overview on Funding options
for the most common project applications
(list available after login!)
For all funding options listed below, BOKU-International Relations offers advice and support (proofreading, standard texts for BOKU description, etc.). All project applications (with BOKU as co-ordinator or as partner in a project) in those programs have to be signed by the Rectorate – BOKU-International Relations thus forwards the relevant documents for signature to the Rectorate.
1) ERASMUS+ (2021 – 2027):
The new ERASMUS+ 2021-2027 continues with the majority of current funding options, however with partially new sub-programme titles. Doctoral networks will continue in the new Horizon Europe Program (see Point 2).
The following activities are funded:
a. In Key Action 1 – Mobility:
- Mobility for students and staff (both academic and administrative staff), both within Europe (for studying abroad, traineeship outgoings and mobility for academic and administrative staff) as well as (to a lesser extent) worldwide . (Similar to the ERASMUS+ Program within the EU).
- NEW: also Short-Term-Mobilities, Blended Mobilities (combining real and virtual mobilities) and Blended Intensive Programs (= Intensive Programs like Summerschools in hybrid form, i.e. with compulsory real and virtual mobility)
Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes: Information for organising Institutions
- Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges are online activities to promote intercultural dialogue and soft skills development. They provide young people aged 13-30 with access to high quality international and cross-cultural training (both formal and non-formal) without physical mobility.
b. In Key Action 2 – Co-operation for innovation and exchange of good practice:
- Partnership for Co-operation:
- Co-operation Partnerships: This category is equivalent to the current „Strategic Partnerships“ and fosters e.g. projects for digitalisation, continuous education for teaching staff and students, development of innovative teaching and learning methods, better connectivity between Higher Education Systems and capacity building at the universities involved.
- Capacity Building in Higher Education
- These projects support the modernisation and quality improvement of higher education in partner countries. There are three project funding options:
Strand 1: Fostering access to cooperation in Higher Education
Strand 2: Partnership for transformation
Strand 3: Structural reform projects
- These projects support the modernisation and quality improvement of higher education in partner countries. There are three project funding options:
- Co-operation Partnerships: This category is equivalent to the current „Strategic Partnerships“ and fosters e.g. projects for digitalisation, continuous education for teaching staff and students, development of innovative teaching and learning methods, better connectivity between Higher Education Systems and capacity building at the universities involved.
- Partnership for Innovation:
- Alliances for Innovation
- Alliances for Education and Enterprises: these projects shall (like the previous „Knowledge Alliances“) foster innovation in tertiary education, VET, enterprises and the economy; e.g. by developing teaching and learning formats involving economic actors, by fostering entrepreneurship or Corporate Social Responsibility…
- Alliances for sectoral co-operation on skills: these projects shall (like the previous „Sectoral Alliances“) develop concrete skills for a certain economic sector, e.g. in the area of Agri-Food, Renewable Energy, Civil Enginnering. Tourism, Social Economy…
- Alliances for Education and Enterprises: these projects shall (like the previous „Knowledge Alliances“) foster innovation in tertiary education, VET, enterprises and the economy; e.g. by developing teaching and learning formats involving economic actors, by fostering entrepreneurship or Corporate Social Responsibility…
- Alliances for Innovation
- Partnership for Excellence:
- ERASMUS MUNDUS Joint Masters: continuation of the current funding for excellent international Master programs; additionally also the option to apply for an ERASMUS MUNDUS Label to continue with the name of „ERASMUS MUNDUS“ in the title of Master programs that have been funded within the EMJMD Program and whose funding ends in 2021-2027. (In the new category of "ERASMUS MUNDUS Design measures", BOKU can't submit a project application as coordinator but only join a project as advisory partner, due to BOKU's previous success and expertise in ERASMUS MUNDUS projects).
- European Universities – this category is currently not open for BOKU as beneficiary due to the successful application and participation in the EPICUR European University; BOKU could only join projects as associate partner without budget.
- Rules for eligibility of Staff Costs
- Rules for the participation of „Foundations“ (or other autonomous legal entities) in Projects
- Rules for eligibility of Staff Costs
c. Key Action 3 „ Support to policy reforms“:
This action deals with finances analyses, Peer Reviews, activities for implementing the recognition instruments (Europass, ECTS, EQR, ECVET) or activities of EU-wide networks.
Further information from BOKU-International Relations
2) Doctoral Networks in Horizon Europe – Marie Sklodowska Curie-Actions
In addition to "normal" doctoral networks that allow doctoral students to carry out research in a consortium, there are the following two special types of DN projects:
a. Joint Doctorates (similar to previous European Joint doctorates offered by a consortium of Higher Education institutions) and
b. Industrial Doctorates (similar to previous “European Industrial Doctorates”, where industry partners have to be part of the consortium; i.e. the doctoral students have to be co-supervised by enterprise staff and carry out research activities at the enterprise.)
Please consider the funding gap for doctoral networks, see ‘Tips and tricks for teaching project applications’ regarding doctoral networks on the website (log-in as employee required).
Further Information for Doctoral networks: Head of BOKU-International Relations. For all other Horizon Europe / MSCA Actions, please contact the Research Support Office: projektsupport(at)boku.ac.at
3) Jean Monnet Actions
for promoting the European Dimension (e.g. Jean-Monnet-Module, -Centres of Excellence, -Professorships)
4) Science and Technology Cooperation = Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit (WTZ)
Funding of mobility costs in the framework of already existing bilateral or multilateral scientific co-operation projects.
The new APPEAR III – Program offered until 2024:
- Preparatory Funding
- Academic Partnership
- Advanced Academic Partnership
- Individual PhD scholarships
and, new since 2021, also:
- „Extended Impact Partnerships“ for successfully completed Academic- or Advanced-Academic Partnership Project Consortia:
- Extended Impact Institutional Partnerships (for improving organisational and infrastructural systems and processes in research, teaching and management of the involved partner institutions and new partners)
- Extended Impact External Partnerships (for discussing and applying research results / inovations with stakeholders (communities, civil society, policy makers) in order to put research into use)
Overview on Funding options, sorted by project type and participating countries
Further information on educational project funding:
- in the yearly BOKU-International Relations-information session organised in the framework of BOKU‘s e-learning and didactics’ unit “introduction into teaching”
- in the International Newsletter sent out in regular mailings to all BOKU staff members
- via e-mail to the head of BOKU-International Relations