Current Happenings

On the occasion of the jubilee "100 Years of Women's Studies", this year's exhibition shows 45 portraits of female experts whose studies and work are closely linked to the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna.
The idea of "On Stage" has its origin in an international teaching cooperation of four European universities to increase the visibility of experts and gender-specific topics in engineering and natural sciences (Leibnitz Universität Hannover, University Valencia, BOKU Vienna and TU Vienna). The starting point of this project is - consciously - to present not only the professional work, but also the everyday life and the personal history of women. First of all, "On Stage" took place in Hannover in 2010 and was continued in Valencia in the following year. Since then, the exhibition has already been shown three times with different focuses in Vienna.
On_Stage 2020 shows in new design selected protraits from previous exhibition (2014, 2016 and 2018) of On_Stage
On_Stage 2020 shows the results of master students of the seminar "Gender and Diversity Aspects in Planning and Professional Practice" in winter semester 2019/20, supervised by teachers from the Institute for Landscape Planning and Institute of Forest Ecology and Institute for Soil Research: Doris Damyanovic, Karin Weber, Monika Sieghart and student assistant Julia Rohrmanstorfer and Anna Gabor. On Stage 2020 also incorporates selected portraits of the previous exhibitions from the years 2014, 2016 and 2018. Students of the courses "Women in Rural Gardening and Agriculture" supervised by Iris Strutzmann (Institute for Horticulture) and “Rural gender studies” supervised by Ulrike Tunst-Kamleitner (Institute for Sustainable Economic Development) developed additional content on portraits of women in agriculture which are also part of this exhibition.