Chronological table
1872 The "k. k. Hochschule für Bodencultur" is founded with the law of April 3, 1872 (RGBl. Nr. 46) for the sections Agriculture and Forestry.
1877 Just five years after the founding of the university, Hermine Stadler becomes the first extraordinary student at BOKU. In principle, the College of Professors advocates the admission of women with the necessary previous training for studies, although there is no legal requirement yet. Although the Ministry approves the decision to admit Hermine Stadler as an extraordinary student at BOKU, it declares the enrolment of women to be inadmissible in the future. It depends on the assessment of the respective circumstances by the competent academic bodies whether individual women are allowed access to individual colleges or practical exercises for special reasons or not.
1900-1918 Before and during the First World War, women were enrolled at the BOKU as extraordinary students - mainly for agricultural studies.
In 1909/1910 individual female students wanted to change this status and begin a proper course of study at the university. Such applications were, however, rejected, although at the same time women were already admitted to some other universities.
In 1915/16 a female assistant worked for the first time at the Lehrkanzel für Pflanzenzüchtung, and in the following years several temporary assistants followed.
In 1919, some female students submitted a petition to the rectorate demanding admission as regular students.
1919 Decree of the Undersecretary of State for Education, Otto Glöckel, of April 7, 1919, allowing women to study at BOKU as regular students for the first time. In the winter semester of 1919/20, 44 regular female students enrolled at BOKU.
1919/20 Olga Beck is listed as an assistant for phytopathology. She works at the Institute of Plant Protection and is the first research assistant at BOKU.
1922 Sophie Rumenovic de Jezerane (born 1897 in Fiume/Rijeka) is the first female graduate of BOKU to take the III. state examination for agricultural studies. She began her studies at BOKU in 1916 as an extraordinary student.
1923/24 Ilse Wallentin is the first female dissertant at BOKU. The title of her dissertation is "Standweitenversuche mit Coriandrum sativum, Pimpinelle anisum und Digitalis lanata".
1927 A survey among the professors shows that a few professors were unreservedly positive about women's studies. The basic tenor, however, was that there were no special talents among the women and that they were very well suited for the scientific support services ("office service"). Rector Josef Ritter von Bauer added: "The reasons for the inferior suitability are of a biological nature, i.e. irreversible".
1936 Helvig Schütte is the first female graduate in forestry.
1965 107 women (7.5% of the BOKU students at that time) study at BOKU.
1981 Ingeborg Dirmhirn is appointed Full Professor of Meteorology and Climatology with effect from October 1, 1981. She is the first female professor at BOKU.
1985 Regular students: 3294 men, 1105 women; 39 professors, 1 female professor.
1990 Regular students: 4445 men, 1971 women; 40 professors, 1 female professor.
1991 First constitution of the Equal Opportunities Working Party at the BOKU on 25 June on the basis of § 106 a UOG 1975 and resolution of the University College of 12 December 1990.
1997 On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of BOKU, the event "1st feminist salon" takes place at BOKU, organized by the Institute for Landscape Planning and the ÖH-BOKU Women's Department.
1999/2000 Regular students: 3711 men, 2163 women; 53 professors, 5 female professors.
2002 First needs assessment "Childcare facilities and compatibility of family studies/work at BOKU".
2003 nat.techn. Erika Staudacher becomes first female Vice Rector of BOKU (Vice Rector for Teaching and International Affairs).
2005 First participation of a BOKU team (BOKU students and staff) in the Austrian Women's Run.
2006 Decision of the first BOKU women's promotion plan.
2007 Ingela Bruner becomes first female Rector of BOKU. First participation of BOKU in the "Vienna Daughter Day".
2008 First call of the Inge Dirmhirn Award for gender- and diversity-specific master's (diploma) theses and dissertations. Amendment of the Federal Equal Treatment Act (introduction of the principle of linguistic equal treatment).
2009 Amendment of the University Act (introduction of the 40% women's quota for university collegiate bodies).
2010 Regular students: 5130 men, 4504 women; 43 professors, 11 female professors.
2015 Amendment of the University Act (50% women's quota for university collegial bodies, in addition to the women's promotion plan, an equal opportunities plan must be drawn up at every university; anchoring the compatibility of studies/occupation with childcare obligations and caring for relatives in need of care as a guiding principle of universities).
2019 Regular students: 5182 men, 5229 women; 71 professors, 22 female professors.
Sources: University Archive BOKU, ÖH-Magazin 03-2014, BOKU Magazin, Martha Forkel, Elisabeth Koffmann (Ed.), Women's Studies and Academic Women's Work in Austria, Paulus Ebner, History of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences from the Beginnings to 1934, Discussion Paper No. 49-R-95, Institute for Economics, Politics and Law, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Datawarehouse University Area, Statistical Paperback of the bmbwf;