For the anniversary "A Century of female enrolement at the University of Natural Ressources and Life Science", a series of events will take place throughout 2019 until spring 2020.

Women's Brunch 

A women's brunch took place on the 8th March, 2019 at the TÜWI. The brunch was organized by the Austrian National Union of Students. Besides delicious snacks and drinks there was also the possibility to have a look at feminist articles.  The topic "Studying as a woman at the BOKU? This was not always the case" was discussed among the participants.

Women-Farmers' Day 2019

A further event followed on the 19th March with the BOKU Women-Farmers' Day 2019. The topic was "Land(t)räume brauchen Frauen" (Land-Dreams/Land-Places needs Women). The Women-Farmers' Day is the annual closing event of the BOKU course "Women in Rural Gardening and Agriculture". Presentation of the seminar papers from the course and several keynote speeches followed by a discussion round were held. The Vice Rector Sabine Baumgartner welcomed the participants and referred to the occasion of this year's anniversary "100 Years of Women's Studies" and the development of women's quota at BOKU over the last decades.

Female Scientists in Talk

On June 5th, a new BOKU event series "Female Scientists in Talk" was launched. "Female Scientists in Talk" provides information on current topics. In a panel discussions, female scientists talk about their experiences in science, their university careers, give tips and provide insights into personal solutions. The focus of this event was on the topic of "Mobility for Lecturers". In addition, Erasmus programmes for teachers were presented ("Teaching Staff Mobility") and female scientists reported on their personal experiences as teachers abroad. There was a lively exchange between the audience and the panelists.  Finger food and drinks rounded off the event.