Issue 21    


Share of timber construction in Lower Austria

Study and basic approach to measure the added value  Alfred Teischinger, Robert Stingl, Robert Stanek 2 articles
ca. 100 pages (size B4) Text: in German language Summary: in German and English language Year of publication: 2008

Contents The development of the share of timber constructions was measured over 10 years due to a survey assigned by the green building cluster of Lower Austria (Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich – ecoplus Niederösterreichs Wirt-schaftsagentur GmbH). In doing so the share of timber construction, differentiated by building categories, changes in the shape of one-family houses, changes in heating systems as well as changes in thermal insulation (U-values), etc. were analysed. The results show a significant increase in the share of timber constructions and as the case may be very different developments for the investigated building categories (one-family houses, multi-family houses, extensions and reconstructions in residential buildings, utility buildings, industrial buildings as well as public buildings) over the last 10 years. By comparing the K-values of the individual construction pieces (such as external walls and windows) over these 10 years a remarkable change in thermal insulation was shown. Energy sources for the heating of one-family houses in timber remarkably shifted from oil, electricity and gas towards “ecological energy sources” such as geothermal and solar energy. Furthermore the basic approach to measure the added value of Austrian carpentries who manufacture timber constructions was developed. This indicator showed the commercial and respectively the economical impact of the forest-based sector.

Vorwort / Preface - LIGNOVISIONEN Issue 21
Alois Geisslhofer
Begleitwort / Foreword - LIGNOVISIONEN Issue 21
Wolfgang Sobotka
Summary - Share of timber construction
Alfred Teischinger und Robert Stingl
Summary - Added value
Robert Stanek 
Niederösterreichische Wohnbauforschung

proHolz Niederösterreich

bau.energie.umwelt.cluster Niederösterreich

University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Marketing & Innovation