Issue 27  

Interaction human being and wood

Alfred Teischinger  (Ed.) with article of
Karl Dobianer, Günther Grall, Veronika Kotradyova
Robert Stingl
und Alfred Teischinger

ca.  35 pages (size B5)

Text: in German language
Summary: in German language

                                                         Year of publication: 2012                                                          Price á € 20,-- (plus mailing costs)
                                                         Order Contents

The current issue of LIGNOVISIONEN is a documentation of a workshop on the issue of human and wood. There is an intensive interaction between the human being with wood as a material. But despite oft he fact that wood is very familiar to most people, a science-based knowledge on this interaction is still missing. The current issue of LIGNOVISIONEN analyzes some of these features such as the aesthetic and tactile approach to wood.  Furthermore some hygienic issues are analyzed as well as the current issue of volatile organic emissions (VOC) of wood. Downloads Inhaltsverzeichnis

Vorwort - Holz und Mensch - eine vielfältige Wechselbeziehung
von Alfred Teischinger, Helmuth Fritz, Rüdiger Lex und Michael Flach

Links Fachhochschule Salzburg

Technisches Büro für Chemie - Dr. Karl Dobianer