Issue 5

Biobased Fibre Materials

Naturfaserwerkstoffe articles
110 pages (size A5) Text and Summaries: in German and English language Year of publication: 2004

Short summary
The new professorship for biobased fibre materials and the new bachelor and master curricula at the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences opens up a new field in research and lecturing. The traditional focus on wood science and technology will be extended by the field of natural fibres and biobased fibre materials. The current issue of LIGNOVISIONEN provides a survey on the new bachelor and master curricula at BOKU such as „Wood and Natural Fibre Technology“ and „Wood Technology and Management“, which comprises a separate module of fibre science and technology (which is lectured in English) and reflects presentations of experts in the course of the new professorship and new structuring of the curricula.


Bio based fibre materials - a high-tech material of the future:
a introduction in this new material group
Manfred Dunky  Abstract
Wood fibre - polymer composites
Wolfgang Gindl Abstract
Natural fibres in composites - an alternative?
Jörg Müssig Abstract
Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Wood and Biobased Wood-fibre Materials
Svetlana Vasic  Abstract
Natural fibre research along the production chain
Rupert Wimmer Abstract
Wood technology and natural fibre - new studies at the BOKU Vienna
Alfred Teischinger, Rupert Wimmer, Manfred Gronalt 


Competence Centre for wood composites and wood chemistry (WOOD K plus)


Faserinstitut Bremen e.V.


University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Production and Logistics