Process and responsibilities
It is particularly important to the BOKU that sustainability reporting is based on well-founded sustainability management. In order to ensure the long-term success of BOKU's sustainability activities, corresponding processes and structures are being improved and expanded.
The BOKU is the first Austrian university to prepare its sustainability report in accordance with the internationally applicable GRI standards.
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is considered a pioneer in sustainability reporting. Today the GRI standards are internationally leading and recognized. Globally, more and more organizations and companies that report on their sustainability performance are applying GRI standards. Thanks to its modular structure, the GRI framework offers flexibility and can be adapted to the requirements of the respective organization.
Ernst & Young is the only Austrian organization qualified for the GRI “Certified Training Partner” program
A competent team from Ernst & Young, which has extensive expertise in sustainability management and in the field of sustainability reporting, is on hand to advise the BOKU.
Coordination and process responsibility lie with the center for global change and sustainability and the sustainability core group
The Center for Global Change and Sustainability (gW/N) coordinates and accompanies the development process in terms of content. Alexandra Penicka (gW/N) is responsible for the coordination.
In addition, the sustainability core group was set up in order to coordinate the various sustainability activities of the BOKU well. Members of the Sustainability Core Group are: Christian Obinger (VR Research & Innovation), Werner Zollitsch (Head of gW/N), Lisa Bohunovsky (Deputy Head of gW/N, Coordination of Sustainability Strategy), Franz Fehr (SDG Officer), Ines Fritz (Institute for Environmental Biotechnology, Tulln).