Paul Axmann
Paul Axmann, Mag. (Externee)
Working Group Knowledge Systems and Innovation Address: Gregor Mendel Strasse 33, 1180 Wien
e-mail 1: paul.axmann(at)
e-mail 2: paul.axmann(at)
Working field: Innovations for inspection- and certification systems
Paul Axmann has studied biology/ecology at the University of Vienna. He has finished his biology studies by writing his master thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). After his studies he started his professional carrier at BOKU University, followed by employments at the federal ministry of health, the European Commission, the national accreditation service at the federal ministry of economy, family and youth and is now working at the Agricultural research & education centre - AREC Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Institute of Organic Farming and Farm Animal Biodiversity. In addition he is lecturer at BOKU University.