Friedrich Leitgeb
Friedrich Leitgeb Dipl.-Ing. Dr. (Externee)
Working Group Knowledge Systems and Innovation Address Gregor Mendel-Strasse 33, 1180 Vienna
Gregor Mendel House, 3rd floor
Tel: (+43)1/47654-93342
E-mail: friedrich.leitgeb(at) Publications
Friedrich Leitgeb graduated in agriculture in 2006. He specialized in Organic Farming and pedagogic, advisory and communication. He spent one semester in Spain and did his field research for the masters’ thesis in Spain, too. He gathered practical work experience in agriculture in Sri Lanka, Ireland and Austria. During his career he worked at the Austrians’ Students’ Association dealing with environmental concern and conducted information campaigns in Austria and Germany for environmental NGOs. After finishing his studies he decided to start with a PhD project. He worked on a FWF project on the topic of “Organic Farmers’ Experiments” and did his field research in Cuba. During almost one year he lived and worked in Cuba and conducted interviews with farmers about local agricultural experiments and innovations. After coming back to Austria he started to work as lecturer at the Division of Organic Farming at BOKU university. His teaching focus is on organic farming and regional development and the organisation of the interdisziplinary excursion on organic farming.