SRI Demo
SRI Demo
The aim of the SRI Demo project is to analyse various Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) approaches and to support the design of the SRI in Austria during the EU-wide test phase until the end of 2025. To this end, measures will be implemented in 8 demonstration buildings of at least 4 different building typologies and also mixed-use districts to improve their smart readiness. BOKU will provide the TÜWI and the Oskar Simony House.
The demo buildings will be analysed using various indicators and the results statistically processed. An online platform is being developed to give interested stakeholders the opportunity to subject their own buildings to an SRI assessment. This should optimise the methodology and input parameters and allow buildings to be compared with each other. The resulting pool of buildings will make it possible to validate specific recommendations on a broad basis.
BOKU is involved in the project with two demonstration buildings: the TÜWI building and the Oskar Simony building. In both buildings, the SRI is being increased in the project by means of specific measures. The measures range from integration into higher-level control and monitoring systems to the implementation of innovative control concepts such as predictive control. Implementation measures are currently underway and the first results are expected soon.
In addition, an SRI online tool is being developed that makes it easy to assess the SRI of your own building using a methodology developed in the project. If you are interested in assessing your building using the SRI Austria method, you can do so free of charge on the following website:
The SRI Demo project is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) via the call Leuchttürme für resiliente Städte 2040 – Ausschreibung 2022.
Project status: ongoing