Management - Science
Leaders in science and at universities have to face new challenges: apart from their research activities and time intensive tasks in teaching, they also have to strategically orient their own organizational unit, exercise commercial diligence and lastly lead young researchers and non-scientific staff. Bringing the various roles in agreement is not always an easy task - there is no one right management style that suits every situation.
In order to support professors and scientific managers of organizational units in their complex tasks, a five-day management training course offers the possibility to actively reflect your own leadership role. More than half of all professors who are appointed at BOKU have already attended this training course and reflected on their leadership role.
The next date (seventh round) will be in 2023, Module 1: February 22-24, Module 2: April 20-21. All newly appointed professors and experienced professors who have not yet had the opportunity to attend the course are invited. A separate invitation letter will be sent out by the Rectorate. For more information, please write to personalentwicklung(at)