Spatial planning is a public responsibility with the aim to proactively create the prerequisites for a sustainable spatial development. In this context environmental aspects, as well as economic and social aspects need to be taken into consideration.
Depending on the respective spatial type the dynamics of spatial development continuously lead to new challenges such as adapting social and technical infrastructures in the light of demographic change, the out-migration from peripheral rural areas, the growing of cities and suburbanization, the energy revolution and climate change, managing the settlement of companies, securing affordable housing, but also the protection from natural hazards.
It is in these areas of conflict and in the face of different development perspectives that we conduct basic research for political strategies for action and for creating a consistent legal framework, we develop methods for planning and decision-making and we highlight the consequences of planning interventions or of the lack thereof. It is by means of creating and disseminating our knowledge and expertise that we want to contribute to a sustainable spatial development.