
The maternity protection instruction must take place immediately after the pregnancy is reported!

The maternity protection evaluation is carried out together with the occupational physician.

Therefore, please contact the occupational physician during office hours or make an appointment.

Information on maternity protection can also be found under the following links:

Chamber of Labor - maternity protection

Labor Inspectorate - austrian labour inspectorate



  • Expectant mother must report pregnancy to organization management
  • Information transfer:
    • Organization management reports the pregnancy to the personnel department
    • Personnel department reports the pregnancy to the labor inspectorate (copy to the expectant mother) as well as to the occupational health service / staff unit Employee Protection and Health.

  • Maternity protection instruction must take place immediately after notification of pregnancy!
    • The maternity protection instruction is carried out together with the expectant mother and the organization management.
    • If necessary (especially e.g. in the laboratory area or in workshops) the occupational health service should be consulted, make an appointment by e-mail. Together with the occupational health service, an additional individual maternity protection evaluation of the workplace can be carried out if required. 

  • The signed maternity protection instruction is sent by the organizational management in copy to the expectant mother, the occupational physician and the staff unit Employee Protection and Health


Maternity in college

There are special employment bans or restrictions for pregnant and breastfeeding women, according to the Mutterschutzgesetz (MSchG), which also apply to female students in the context of care.

During the practical training during their studies, breastfeeding or pregnant students can be exposed to hazardous chemical substances, drugs / cytostatics, potentially infectious biological agents and physical damaging factors such as ionizing and non-ionizing radiation or working conditions that can pose a particular risk to mother and child.
These types of hazards exist primarily when working in chemical, biological, physical, technical and chemical-clinical laboratories.

Therefore: In the event of pregnancy or suspected pregnancy, each student / intern should inform the responsible course, internship or research director in your own interest!