School project HuLK (“Humus, Landwirtschaft und Klima“)

In the FFG-funded project HuLK, the working group Boden.Pioniere, together with pupils from six Viennese classes and the BOKU kindergarten, explored the importance of healthy soils for sustainable food supply. The relationships between plants and soils and their function in the carbon cycle were the main topics addressed.

In workshops, the pupils carried out hands-on experiments, looked for soil animals, used microscopes, painted with soil colors and more. In a plant experiment, the children observed how different plant species cope with drought and how much water different soils can hold. The pupils were actively involved and conducted their own experiments as young scientists. The project was awarded the Erdreichpreis 2023 in the category “participation”. Watch the video about the project (2020-2024).

In the CURIOSOIL project, the working group continues to focus on how to awaken soil curiosity in society and how to promote soil education in Europe. If you are interested, you can get actively involved in the national Communities of Practice! More information is available here.