
The focus of hydrological research at the Institute is to improve the process understanding of various components related to the hydrological cycle. It is therefore important to measure these components and to observe them in the long term. As such, innovative measuring techniques integrating the fields of hydrology, remote sensing and micrometeorology are applied and further developed. The measured data provide a basis for the development and calibration of mathematical processes and numerical models at different spatial scales

Integrated water resources management (IWRM)

IWRM Scheme

The groundwork of this field is integrated water management, taking into account the economic, ecological and social aspects, thereby contributing to a sustainable use of the environment. Specifically, the following tasks are incorporated in this scheme:

  • Sustainable use of water resources
  • Protection of water and waterways
  • Protection against water related risks

The new catchment-based perspective (EU WFD, EU Flood Directive) has a strong international component tied to it. The key word related to this perspective is interdisciplinarity, whereby the development and application of methods considering multiple objectives, public participation and decision-making support are crucial to the teaching and to research related to IWRM.