Information for students
Focus on marketing in the master's program in agricultural & food economics
The Master programme Agricultural and Food Economy offers the opportunity to set your own personal focus in the area of marketing.
- What content awaits you?
- What professions can you take up after the focus?
- What experiences do our students and graduates report?
>> Click through the presentation of the marketing focus and find answers to these and other questions (in German only)
Recognition of courses
A recognition of a course for one of the courses assigned to the Institute, according to the legal requirements, can be requested if one or more exams that were already positively absolved at an university in Austria or abroad and the course is equivalent to one of the courses regarding the extent (ECTS) and content.
We ask you to make your request for a recognition at the department for study services, which will check the formalities, prior the Institute’s check of regarding the content and extent.
For further information see: Information on Accreditation at BOKU
Board examination
In case of a board examination in one of the courses assigned to the Institute, we ask you to contact the institutes’ office (Ms Hafenscher;; +43 1 47654-73500) 4 weeks prior to your desired examination date. The office will then coordinate the examination date with the examination senate.
A board examination will usually have the examination type of an oral examination. Further Information and forms