Emerging contaminants as pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment

Emerging contaminants as pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment

18:00 ‐ 19:30

  • Sonstiges

Water is one of the most valuable raw materials for today's civilization and one of the most important factors that determine the quality fo our lives. The aquatic environment is put at risk by the presence of anthropogenic substance, of which there are still knowledge gaps, emerging contaminants (ECs). In this regard, the project boDEREC-CE aims to monitor and model ECs in pilot actions in Europe and aims to create new decision supporting tools to attenuate them. Therefore, in the frame of the World Water Day a public event is organized, with the main aim to disseminate the project among the public, and to raise awareness concerning the increasing amount of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment by initiating an open discussion on the public’s opinion concerning their use and disposal.

The Interreg Central Europe project boDEREC-CE aims to define an integrated management strategy for waterworks that guarantees increased quality of drinking water. In particular, the project’s specific objectives are to study pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the natural environment, to evaluate the technological aspects of PPCPs attenuation in drinking water and the establishment of decision support systems for waterworks.
The key challenge for all boDEREC-CE communication activities is informing stakeholders and general public of the project objectives to raise their awareness and increase knowledge. Moreover, it is important to disseminate project results and outputs to target groups to influence their stakeholders attitude and general public behaviour towards the emerging contaminants topics.  Therefore, in the frame of the World Water Day a public dissemination event is organized, with the main aim to disseminate the project among the public, raise of awareness concerning the increasing amount of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment by initiating an open discussion on the public’s opinion concerning their use and disposal. 

Agenda of the event:

18.00 - 18.05
Welcome and registration

18.05 – 18.35
Brief presentation of the scope of the boDEREC-CE project and the goal of the event
Brief presentation of the main outputs of the whole project

18.35 – 19.30
Usage and disposal of pharmaceuticals in Austria – Interactive discussion: the public will be first asked for their opinion/idea through an interactive poll, followed by a brief explanation, of each of the following topics:
Spendings on pharmaceuticals in one year and over the past decade in Austria
Use of pharmaceuticals in Austria per age group
Potential sources of pharmaceutical pollutions
Potential pathways of pharmaceutical pollutions
Presentation of questionnaire concerning usage and disposal methods of pharmaceuticals

The event will be held online through the platform Zoom. The event is completely open and free of charge.
To participate please use the following link: https://bokuvienna.zoom.us/j/96961206245 

For more information concerning the project please feel free to visit the project homepage https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/boDEREC-CE.html, or consult the project flyer in the downloads section.

EU flag (12 stars on blue background), European Union Interreg Central Europe boDEREC-CE

Logo of the INTERREG Central Europe boDEREC-CE project

Online Event
Elisabetta De Vito-Francesco
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Kostenpflichtig: Nein