Turning Climate Anxiety into Climate Action

Turning Climate Anxiety into Climate Action

11:00 ‐ 12:00

  • Vortrag

Unirätin Prof. Dr. Michaela Zint (University of Michigan) am 1. Juli im Talk an der BOKU

What is climate anxiety? What are the links between climate anxiety, mental health, and climate action? How can we manage our own, and help others manage their climate anxiety? Why do we need an “emotion-informed” approach to climate education? What are examples of ways universities are responding, to ensure students are prepared for leadership to transform climate anxiety into actions for a sustainable future?

Join us for a presentation by Prof. Dr. Michaela Zint to learn about and discuss these questions.

Prof. Dr. Zint is a member of BOKU’s Unirat and an Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the School for Environment & Sustainability at the University of Michigan (U-M), USA. She spearheads U-M’s initiative to Advance Climate Education across curricula, including by raising awareness about the role of climate emotions.

When? On July 1st, 11-12 am - Talk with Q&A Where? Hörsaal 11, Mendelhaus

The Talk will be in english.

Hörsaal 11, Mendelhaus (MENH-01/26)
Zentrum für globalen Wandel & Nachhaltigkeit
Sprache: Englisch
Öffentlich: Ja
Kostenpflichtig: Nein