National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU)

Recently, Ukraine has established the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU), which is going to be the largest research funding body in Ukraine. Currently, NRFU is preparing to announce the first call at the beginning of May 2020.

Launching the new approach in National Research Funding, they intend to implement the Best Practices in Research Conduct and arrange independent international peer-review procedure. The Scientific Board of NRFU, kindly asks researchers/experts to join the pool of potential Referees for upcoming project calls.

This would not put any immediate obligations on researchers/experts. The actual assignment of Referees to research proposals will be performed by the review panel with regard to the specific call for proposals.

If you feel an enthusiasm of to be involved, please follow this link:

Please look for the "INVITING EXPERTS FOR COLLABORATION", "Sign Up" button in the upper right corner.

Click on the "Sign in with email" button.

From the sign in / sign up page, follow the "Sign up" link at the bottom of the page.

Enter your email and click on "Send verification code". Wait for the email with the verification code to arrive in your inbox (check your spam folder if it does not arrive within a minute!).

Copy the code into the empty "Verification code" field and click the button "Verify code".

Enter the password of your choice twice - in the "New Password" and "Confirm new password" fields (Passwords in both fields should coincide, your password must be not shorter than 8 characters, must contain at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter, symbol, and number).

Click on "Create".

A page titled "Consent to the processing of personal data" should appear.

Give that consent and proceed with entering your data.

Note mandatory fields (marked with a red asterisk) that have to be filled to complete the registration (non-mandatory fields you can fill in later if you feel like doing so).
