FWF CALL: Emerging Fields
The team should be composed of three up to seven established researchers, with at least one-third being women. Inter/transdisciplinary consortium, including even non-academic members are welcome.
Funding opportunity: Four to six projects will be granted with a budget of 3-6 million Euro for five years each (incl. 10% general costs).
Success story: BOKU was appealed to receive 2 “Emerging Fields” programs last year, with Helmut Haberl coordinating the “REMASS” project, and with Dr. Michael Traxlmayer as partner in “DART2 OS” project.
There is one call this year, which opens January 13, 2025, and closes on the March 31, 2025.
So, take the opportunity to submit your application!
Information: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/funding/portfolio/excellentaustria/emerging-fields
Two webinars regarding this call are organised by FWF:
- One in German, on the February 13, 2025 - Registration link
- One in English, on the February 18, 2025 - Registration link
- Let us know in case you are interested to submit to this call but cannot attend those webinars, FoS might organise a BOKU internal webinar additionally on request!
Basically, the most important features for the FWF “Emerging Fields” are the following:
- It is a “one-step” procedure that undergoes a “three-stage” review process.
- In elane, you have to submit all the documents, including synopsis (3 pages) and full proposal (30 pages).
IMPORTANT: Check the guidelines for formatting and look at the evaluation criteria here before starting to write your proposal.
- In the first reviewing stage, the evaluation from a multidisciplinary panel is based only on the synopsis.
- In the second stage, three international peer reviewers will evaluate the full proposals (together with the abstract and synopsis).
- In the third stage, if selected, applicants are invited to the hearing with the multidisciplinary panel.
Internal BOKU deadlines
Let us know as soon as possible if you are interested to submit to this call, at the latest 170325:
Send the ePM to the FoS, including budget description (screenshot of the budget table from elane is enough) and draft of an abstract + project description.
Send us your proposal for proof reading (if wanted), at the latest 260325 at 12:00:
ePM is validated by the DL
In elane: all the data are entered and to be further approved by FoS. FoS will be responsible for the final submission of the application in elane. A final submission will be done on 280325.
The BOKU Pre-Award Team of the Research Support, Innovation & Technology Transfer assists researchers interested in submitting FWF projects. Do not hesitate to contact us for any question: projektsupport(at)boku.ac.at
Do not hesitate to also check regularly our webpage, where we inform researchers about upcoming calls: https://boku.ac.at/fos
FoS wishes you all the best for writing your application.