Offene Calls - Forschung
Hier finden Sie Informationen (Einreichfrist etc.) zu ausgewählten BOKU-relevanten Ausschreibungen. Es ist in folgende Bereiche unterteilt:
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- Ausschreibungen und Preise für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs
- Programme mit laufender Einreichmöglichkeit
- Ausschreibungen mit Einreichfristen im
Jan 2025 / Feb / März / April / Mai / Juni / Juli / Aug / Sept / Okt / Nov / Dez 2024
Zur Info: Die Seite wird laufend aktualisiert. Für die genauen Informationen zu den Ausschreibungen & Deadlines konsultieren Sie bitte immer die Webseiten der jew. Fördergeber.
Weitere Calls & Fördergeber finden Sie im linken Menü.
Programme mit laufender Einreichmöglichkeit
Programm | weitere Informationen |
FWF: ESPRIT | ACHTUNG! FoS-Freigabe in elane erforderlich (FWF PROFI) Bitte kontaktieren Sie FoS-Projektsupport frühzeitig zur Abstimmung des Freigabeprozesses |
FWF: Einzelprojekte |
FFG: Innovationsscheck | Der Innovationsscheck mit Selbstbehalt wird seit 02.01.2018 in der Höhe von bis zu € 10.000,- ausgestellt. 80 % der Kosten können mit dem Scheck bezahlt werden (Förderbare Gesamtkosten € 12.500,-), 20 % der Kosten sind als Selbstbehalt vom Unternehmen zu tragen. |
Wirtschaftsagentur Wien: F&E_Kooperationsanbahnung | Das Förderprogramm F&E_Kooperationsanbahnung unterstützt Unternehmen, die nationale oder internationale Forschungs- und Entwicklungskooperationen anbahnen. |
Ausschreibungen mit Einreichfristen im
Dezember 2024
Einreichfrist | Programm | weitere Informationen | offen ab |
| FFG: ACRP – 17. Ausschreibung | The ACRP focuses on research on climate change and climate actions, adaptation, mitigation and their mutual interrelation. The intent is to provide scientific back- ground for the implementation of the Austrian strategy for adaptation to climate change, the National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP) and the Paris Agreement. Projects of oriented basic research (100% funding) are supported in the following three thematic areas:
Projects can be submitted by individual applicants or as cooperative projects involving several consortium members. Funding decision is expected by May 2025. | 28.05.2024 |
20.12.2024 | CDG: Transfer Science to Spin-off (Transfer.S2S) | ATTENTION: strategic project Please contact BOKU:BASE as soon as possible if you plan to submit a proposal, as internal BOKU approval by the rectorate is required before submission! Joint launch of funded projects with kick-off seminar by the aws on 1.10.2025 (or 1.1.2026). |
Jänner 2025
Einreichfrist | Programm | weitere Informationen | offen ab |
14.01.2025 | ERC CoG 2025 | Your are an ambitious researcher (7-12 years post-PhD) about to establish your own research team and have a ground-breaking research idea! Then, the ERC Consolidator Grant is for you. Those calls are extremely competitive, so you need support. Contact FoS to enroll in our ERC Mentoring Program @ BOKU. More Info # ERC | 26.09.2024 |
14.01.2025 14:00 ATTENTION (1) 09.12.2024 09:00 (2) 02.01.2025 13:00 | FWF: 1000 Ideas | Funding opportunity for completely new, daring or particularly original research ideas beyond current scientific knowledge. An employment of at least 50% at BOKU for the duration of the project, which is not financed by the 1000 Ideas fund, is a prerequisite for the application! ATTENTION: Due to the processing via PROFI (i.e. all BOKU applications have to be submitted centrally in elane by the Research Support Office) and the holiday season, there are two earlier internal deadlines: By 09.12.2024, 9 am:
By 02.01.2025, 1 pm:
Submission is scheduled for 13 January, by which time any corrections must have been made and the application finalised in elane. | 05.11.2024 |
20.01.2025 | SAFE - Supporting researchers at risk | 60 fully-funded fellowships (up to 24 months) for researchers at risk. ATTENTION: only one proposal per host instituion can be submitted, therefore, it is absolutely necessary to contact pre-award support ( ) before you start to develop your proposal. The principle first come-first served will be applied. | 18.11.2024 |
22.01.2025, 12:00 Uhr | FFG: Bridge 2024/2 | In BRIDGE 1 werden Projekte mit überwiegender Grundlagenforschungsnähe gefördert, die bereits ein realistisches Verwertungspotenzial erkennen lassen, sodass eine oder mehrere Firmen bereit sind, das Projekt mitzufinanzieren bzw. begleitend auch am Projekt teilzunehmen. Die Kosten der Universität werden zu 100% finanziert (keine Eigenleistung notwendig). Das Programm ist thematisch offen. | 15.10.2024 |
05.01.2025 | WWTF VRG 2025 | BOKU University is looking for an Assistant Professor with tenure track to establish a Vienna Research Group for Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning in the Life Sciences for submitting an application to the WWTF Vienna Research Group. Link for the application to be found here: | 06.12.2024 |
Februar 2025
Einreichfrist | Programm | weitere Informationen | offen ab |
11.02.2025, 2pm CET | WWTF ICT | This call is directed at researchers in Vienna, who seek to improve understanding of a fundamental question in Information & Communication Technology The funding size per project is € 500,000 and up to € 800,000 (or € 880,000 for joint projects with NÖ), for a duration of 24 up to 48 months. This is a 2-step call, with first step being the submission of the short proposal (deadline 14.01.2025). | 18.10.2024 |
13.02.2025 14:00 ATTENTION (1) 27.01.2025 09:00 (2) 05.02.2025 09:00 | FWF: #Connecting Minds - Workshops | This programme encourages researchers to involve non-academic stakeholders in their research projects. Funding is available to teams that combine both academic and social knowledge and are applying them to help tackle social, technological, ecological, and economic challenges. The focus is on transdisciplinarity, innovative research approaches, and support for community engagement and collective learning spaces. The #Connecting Minds program is divided into two phases:
Funding period, funding amount and number of eligible projects
ATTENTION: Due to the processing via PROFI (i.e. all BOKU applications have to be submitted centrally in elane by the Research Support Office), there are two earlier internal deadlines: By 27.01.2025, 9 am:
By 05.02.2025, 9 am:
Submission is scheduled for 12 February, by which time any corrections must have been made and the application finalised in elane. | 11.11.2024 |