Statistic with R, Romania

rom 25-29 May, at Ecological University of Bucharest

The goal of this training week is to provide participants with basic knowledge about the syntax and basis of the R programming language and to provide an overview of the main packages which are important for the statistical analysis.

Course Objectives:

  • Introduction in using software in statistical analysis
  • Working with datasets
  • Explore Descriptive statistics and Basic statistical tests with R environment
  • Create Data visualization and Data reporting

Expected Outcome:
After this course, participants will be able to develop basic R code and use R packages to perform some of the data analysis and visualization carried out in their research activities, including the management of their datasets.

Target Group: Teachers and Researchers using statistical methods in research work.

If you want to apply for ERASMUS+ teaching staff mobility support, please check the website and contact Mag. Gudrun Reisinger for further information on ERASMUS+ Staff mobility funding.

Further information
