Übersicht über die internationalen Netzwerke, in denen die BOKU Mitglied ist.

Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS)

Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS)

The aim of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) is to develop a network of quality universities in the field of natural resources management, Environmental Sciences and Life Sciences. This network should strengthen each partner university's position and capability through sharing expertise and costs in the development and delivery of their degree programs, and explore cooperation with other consortia in higher education.



Task Force Member: Prof. Hermann Bürstmayr

Board member: Prof. Eva Schulev-Steindl, Assoc.Prof. Damyanovic


ICA Association for European Life Science Universities

ICA Association for European Life Science Universities

ICA’s vision is to enhance our members’ success in the international market place, in Europe and globally, by providing a supportive environment to share experience, to cooperate in new ventures, and to benefit from the resulting synergy.  ICA addresses all disciplines relating to the bioeconomy; agriculture, forestry, food, natural resources, rural development and the environment. The governing body of ICA is the ICA General Assembly of Rectors and Deans from ICA member institutions.


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Prof. Barbara Hinterstoisser



The “ICA Regional Network for Central and South Eastern Europe”, in short CASEE, is a network of Central and South Eastern European Higher Education Institutions relating to the Life Science disciplines (agriculture, food, biotechnology, natural resources, rural development and the environment).
CASEE is a non profit organisation which aims to stimulate and support its member institutions in the development of a European dimension in education and research through the development of concerted actions and in engaging globally.


CASEE Board member: Prof. Eva Schulev-Steindl

IROICA –European Network of International Relations Officers at Higher Education Institutes for Agricultural and Related Sciences

IROICA –European Network of International Relations Officers at Higher Education Institutes for Agricultural and Related Sciences

IROICA as a network of international relations officers was established in 1997 as an activity within the "DEMETER" Socrates Thematic Network project. In 1998, IROICA became a Standing Committee within the Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA). Today IROICA has the status of a non-profit international association with its own statutes. IROICA’s main goals are to support and enhance the work of the international relations officers.


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Dr. Margarita Calderón-Peter

ICA Community of Practice for Bioeconomy Education in Europe (ICA CoP Bio-Edu)

ICA Community of Practice for Bioeconomy Education in Europe (ICA CoP Bio-Edu)

The ICA Board established the ICA Bioeconomy Committee of the ICA Board in 2017, and changed it's name into ICA Community of Practice for Bioeconomy Education in Europe in 2021.

The goal of ICA Cop Bio-Edu is to enhance the quality, offer and diversity of education for the sustainable circular Bioeconomy in Europe, by bringing together educational actors to engage with each other, both virtually and face to face.


BOKU's network co-ordinator: Dr. Martin Greimel



ICA Network for Innovation in Life Sciences Higher Education (ICA-Edu)

ICA Network for Innovation in Life Sciences Higher Education (ICA-Edu)

The ICA-Edu Colloquia aim to provide the opportunity to discuss innovative approaches in higher education in the sciences of agriculture, food, natural resources, rural development and the environment.


BOKU's network co-ordinator: Prof. Barbara Hinterstoisser

AGRINATURA - Network of European Agricultural [Tropically and Subtropically Oriented] Universities and Scientific Complexes Related with Agricultural Development

AGRINATURA - Network of European Agricultural [Tropically and Subtropically Oriented] Universities and Scientific Complexes Related with Agricultural Development

AGRINATURA is a new alliance formed by 33 European universities and research organisations working in agricultural research, education, training and capacity strengthening for development.

AGRINATURA focuses on initiatives that open up new opportunities for farmers to enhance food security and improve the agro-food sector in general, whilst reducing the negative impact of agricultural activities on the environment.


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: PD Maria Wurzinger and Adreas Melcher

SILVA - European Forest Science Academic Network

SILVA - European Forest Science Academic Network

The primary objective of the SILVA Network is to stimulate and facilitate educational co-operation in the field of forestry in Europe .
The secondary objective will be realized at four levels:

  • Students : To make it possible for students to carry out part of their studies abroad
  • Teachers : To stimulate and facilitate sojourns of teachers abroad
  • Curriculum : to encourage the exchange of information on the development of curricula and the development of joint curricula

Courses : to stimulate and facilitate the development of joint courses


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Prof. Hubert Hasenauer

Danube Rectors' Conference

Danube Rectors' Conference

The general aim of the Danube Rectors’ Conference is the improvement of higher education in teaching and research in the Danube region, and in particular the advancement of member universities, by establishing and facilitating bilateral and multilateral contacts between the universities. To this effect, the DRC will pursue in particular the following tasks:

  • coordinate the ideas and actions of its members through the exchange of information on issues of common interest,
  • promote cooperation on issues of common interest
  • act as a consultant, by presenting its views and by making appropriate recommendations on problems which concern the universities, to government, national or international organizations, as well as to others who are involved with issues concerning universities.


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Prof. Martin Gerzabek

EPSO – European Plant Science Organisation

EPSO – European Plant Science Organisation

EPSO is an independent body that represents more than 200 research institutes, departments and universities from 31 countries in Europe and beyond.

The mission is

  1. To increase the visibility and impact of the European plant science community
  2. To articulate the vision of the European plant science community for the future and advise on decisions of funding agencies at the European and national level on long term strategies to support plant science
  3. To communicate with academia, industry and the general public to ensure the independent dissemination of plant science information

To contribute to the development of agriculture, horticulture, forestry and biodiversity


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Ao.Univ.Prof. Marie-Theres Hauser

ASEA-UNINET Asian European University Network

ASEA-UNINET Asian European University Network


  • Joint research projects in the focus areas
  • Staff exchange/student exchange (short-term)
  • Graduate programmes (mainly Ph.D. studies) and postgraduate education

Specialized training courses 


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Assoc.Prof.Clemens Peterbauer and PD Katharina Keiblinger




EURASIA-PACIFIC UNINET is a network which aims at establishing contacts and scientific partnerships between Austrian universities, universities of applied sciences, other research institutions and member institutions in East Asia, Central Asia, South Asia and the Pacific region.


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Ass.Prof. Reinhard Neugschwandtner

Board Member: Ao.Prof. Harald Vacik

EUA European University Association (former CRE-European rector’s Conference)

EUA European University Association (former CRE-European rector’s Conference)

The European University Association is the main organisation of European universities and their national rectors’ conferences. EUA’s mission is to promote a coherent system of European higher education and research based on shared values, through active support and guidance to its members, thus enhancing their contribution to society. The aims of the EUA are to formulate a coherent message from the higher education institutions and to strengthen the role of the institutions in the creation of the European Higher Education Are


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Prof. Eva Schulev-Steindl

IUFRO International Union of Forest Research Organisations

IUFRO International Union of Forest Research Organisations

IUFRO’s objectives are:

  • promoting and facilitating an international dialogue on forest science and the role of forests in human welfare;
  • collecting and disseminating scientific knowledge on forest ecosystems, their products and services;
  • enhancing cooperation between forest research organizations and individual scientists by means of a global network;
  • promoting the dissemination and application of relevant research results and expertise using publications, recommendations, information technologies, training courses, work shops, conferences and congresses;
  • providing and promoting science input into policy-making;
  • compiling state-of-knowledge reports;
  • harmonizing research terminology and techniques;
  • addressing issues of regional and global significance with inter-agency or inter-disciplinary actions;
  • recognizing outstanding work contributing to the advancement of forest science;
  • assisting developing countries or countries with economies in transition to strengthen their research knowledge and capability

BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Prof. Hubert Hasenauer

ISEKI-Food Association (IFA)

ISEKI-Food Association (IFA)

The ISEKI-Food Association (IFA) is an independent European non-profit
organisation, established in 2005 by university institutions, research
institutes, companies and associations related to food, coming from all
over the world.





BOKU's Network Co-ordinator Oenoviti International

BOKU's Network Co-ordinator Oenoviti International

The objective of the OENOVITI INTERNATIONAL network, coordinated by the university of Bordeaux, is the exchange of know-how and expertise between wine-makers, academics and industrial partners. The main projects of ŒNOVITI INTERNATIONAL are: High-level training and research programmes (like e.g. the joint ŒNODOC doctorate, or the joint VINTAGE and VINIFERA Master’s degrees under the Erasmus Mundus label), intensive programs, joint conferences and symposia etc.



GCUA – Global Challenges University Alliance

GCUA – Global Challenges University Alliance

GCUA is a SLU initiative to gather the top universities on every continent around issues of food security, bio-energy, sustainable urban development and climate. Together, we translate knowledge into relevant action!

BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: DI Franz Fehr

Himalaya University Consortium (HUC)

Himalaya University Consortium (HUC)

Since 2017, BOKU is an associate member of HUC. The vision of the Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) is to contribute to enhanced collaboration among the universities of the region and to promote centres of excellence on key topics relevant to the region. The aim is to build a dynamic mountain knowledge partnership among universities, ICIMOD, and regional member country partners to promote research and learning.

BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Ao.Univ.Prof. Georg Gratzer



The COPERNICUS Alliance is a European network of universities and colleges committed to transformational learning and change for sustainable development.

BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Prof. Werner Zollitsch   

European Bioeconomy University (EBU)

European Bioeconomy University (EBU)

The European Bioeconomy University is an alliance of the six leading European universities in this field. It will act not only as a think tank for knowledge generation, but also as a creative hub for knowledge transfer to transform diversity into creativity, support the European approach of democratic, transparent and participative processes and foster actual change in an innovative and sustainable way.


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Dr. Martin Greimel

FACT Alliance

FACT Alliance

The Food and Climate Systems Transformation (FACT) Alliance is a first-of-its-kind initiative, connecting researchers, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), farming communities, and governments to drive innovation and inform better decision making for resilient and sustainable food systems.


BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Hauser


Magna Charta Universitatum - MCU 2020

Magna Charta Universitatum - MCU 2020

The Magna Charta Universitatum - MCU 2020 is a global commitment to promote and support academic freedom, institutional autonomy, the connection between teaching and research, social responsibility and the core values of higher education.


BOKU's network coordinator: Prof. Eva Schulev-Steindl

Africa-UniNet (Austrian-African Research Network)

Africa-UniNet (Austrian-African Research Network)

The Austrian-African Research Network Africa-UniNet was initiated to create a long-term, stable basis for cooperation between Austrian and African universities and research institutions. It intends to promote new contacts, deepen scientific cooperation and provide excellent opportunities for innovative joint research projects.


Network President: Prof. Hubert Hasenauer

BOKU's Network Co-ordinator: Dr. Andreas Melcher