Plio-Pleistocene valley incision / Taleinschneidung (FWF)
Plio-Pleistocene valley incision rates in the Eastern Alps recorded in caves

Plio-Pleistozäne Taleinschneidung in den Ostalpen P19362-N10 FWF Wissenschaftsfonds, A-1090 Wien Project Leader: Prof. Markus Fiebig 2007 - 2011
Scientific publications
Peer-reviewed publications (journals, contribution to anthologies, working papers, proceedings etc.)
Mihevc, A., Häuselmann, Ph., Bosak, P., Sahy, D. & Fiebig, M. (in preparation): Snezna jama: interdisciplinary dating of cave sediments and implication for landscape evolution. - Int. J. of Speleology, in preparation.
Mihevc, A., Häuselmann, Ph., Fiebig M. & Stüwe, K. (in preparation): Timing of uplift at the Periadriatic Fault evidenced by cave sediments. - Int. J. of Geosciences, in preparation.
Mihevc, A., Bavec, M., Häuselmann, Ph. & Fiebig, M. (in preparation): Dating of the Udin Borst conglomerate terrace and implication for tectonic evidences in the Sava Valley. - Acta carstologica, in preparation.
Häuselmann, Ph., Plan, L., Hübner, P. & Fiebig, M. (in preparation): Dating of Austrian caves and implications for valley deepening processes in the Northern Calcareous Alps. - Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, in preparation.
Wagner, T; Fabel, D; Fiebig, M; Hauselmann, P; Sahy, D; Xu, S; Stuwe, K (2010, published): Young uplift in the non-glaciated parts of the Eastern Alps. Earth Planet SCI LETT. 2010; 295(1-2): 159-169.
Non peer-reviewed publications (journals, contribution to anthologies research reports, working papers, proceedings, etc.)
Philipp Häuselmann & Markus Fiebig (2009, published) Plio-Pleistocene valley incision in the Eastern Alps recorded in caves. - Geokarst International Symposium on Geology, Natural Resources and Hazards in Karst Regions, 12-15. November, Proceedings, page 3-9, Hanoi (Vietnam).
Project-related participation in international scientific conferences
Conference participations - invited lectures
Fiebig , M., Häuselmann,P., Stüwe, K., Sahy, D., Wagner, T., Schenk, B.& B. Grasemann (2009): Burial Age Dating in caves applied in current Austrian research projects. – Geokarst International Symposium on Geology, Natural Resources and Hazards in Karst Regions, 12-15. November, Abstract and invited lecture, Hanoi (Vietnam).
Conference participations - lectures
Ph. Häuselmann (2011): Cosmogenic dating of Austrian and Slovenian Caves ESF conference on cosmogenic nuclides (8.-13.8.2011, Obergurgl)
Fiebig , M., Sahy, D., Häuselmann, P., Koerner, W., Mihevc, A., Schenk, B.& B. Grasemann (2009): Burial Age Dating in Caves. – Hugo Obermaier Tagung, 14.-18.April 2009, Ljubiljana (Slowenien).
Conference participations - posters
Sahy, D., Häuselmann, P., Mihevc, A., Schenk, B., Fiebig, M. (2008): Burial age dating of cave sediments from the Southern Calcareous Alps, N Slovenia. In: Nadja Zupan Hajna & Andrej Mihevc (Eds.), 16th International Karstological School "Classical Karst" - Karst Sediments, Guide Book & Abstracts, p. 100-100 [Poster] [16th International Karstological School "Classical Karst" - Karst sediments, Postojna, Slovenia, July 16-21, 2008] Schenk, B., Sahy, D., Häuselmann, P., Mihevc, A., Fiebig, M. (2008): Plio-Pleistocene valley incisions in the Eastern Alps - Burial age dating of cave sediments. [Poster]
[PANGEO AUSTRIA 2008 Geologie ist Zukunft, Wien, 22.-25.9.2008] Fiebig, M., Häuselmann, P., Stüwe, K., Audra, P., Fabel, D., Grasemann, B., Mihevc, A., Sahy, D. & Wagner, T. (2008) Rates of valley incision in the European Alps approached by cosmogenic nuclides. – 33. International Geological congress 6.-14. August 2008, Oslo (Norwegen). Dehnert, A., Akcar, N., Fiebig, M., Häuselmann, P., Kasper, H.U., Kubik, P., Preusser, F., Schlüchter, C. (2007): Burial dating of sediments by cosmogenic nuclides. Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union, 9, 02718-02718; ISSN 1029-7006
[EGU European Geosciences Union 2007, Wien, 15.-20.4.2007]