Mobile Exhibition 'On Stage' | Vienna 2014 | Valencia 2012 | Hanover 2011
September 3rd - October 31st 2014
Venue | Vienna University of Technology Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna
Vernissage | September 3rd, 2014, 11.00 am
at the 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, September 3rd-5th, 2014, TU Vienna, Austria.
Exhibition Flyer (4.0 MB)
March 28th – May 9th 2014
Venue | BOKU Vienna, Main Library Hall, Peter-Jordan-Strasse 82, A-1190 Vienna
The exhibition “In Szene setzen – On Stage Vienna 2014!” focuses on the careers of gender sensitive female experts in politics, administration, planning practice and universities in Austria.
The concept of On Stage Vienna was developed by ten students through a teaching co-operation between the Institute of Landscape Planning, (Doris Damyanovic, Vienna), Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, BOKU Vienna and the Centre of Sociology and Centre of Regional Planning and Regional Development, Department of Spatial Planning, TU Vienna. The results are portraits and projects of eleven interviewed experts in the field of Feminist and Gender Planning from Austria.
The starting point for “On Stage” was the Spanish exhibition “La Mujer Construye - Woman who build” about the work of female architects in Spain. In the next stage guest professor Lidewij Tummers, Delft at gender_archland brought this idea to Hanover. Finally 2011 the first exhibition under the direction of Eva M. Álvarez and Barbara Zibell about female architects and landscape architects took place in cooperation with the Chamber of Architects of Lower Saxony in Hanover. In 2012 it was then continued in Valencia by Eva Maria Àlvarez Isidro and her team. In 2014, the “On Stage” exhibition takes place in Vienna.
Further information on On_Stage_Vienna 2014 here
genderSTE | Gender, Science, Technology and Environment
genderSTE | Gender, Science, Technology and Environment
genderSTE is a European network of policy makers and experts committed to promoting a fairer representation of women and better integration of gender analysis in research and innovation. There will be an international conference this autumn:
genderSTE Conference
Engendering Cities - Designing Sustainable Urban Environments for All
Oct/Nov 2014, Rome, Italy
More information on the recently launched website:
Fair Shared Cities | Book Release
Fair Shared Cities | Book Release
The Impact of Gender Planning in Europe Editors: Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain and Marion Roberts, University of Westminster, UK Book released at Ashgate Publishing Further Information here
*** GDUS News Archive ***
Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceedings
of the International GDUS Conference, April 2012, Hannover download here The conference proceedings are published by the conference host gender_archland, Leibniz University Hannover.