News from GDUS Partners
8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education
Conference Objectives The conference focuses on three key aspects of gender equality policies in higher education: 1. Reducing vertical and horizontal segregation
2. Tackling the gendered organisation
3. Integrating gender dimensions in teaching curricula, teacher education, research funding and research practice. More Information
Capacity Building for Rural Development – Spring 2014 Conference
Rural Areas: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities for their Conservation and Development April 27-29, 2014
Birzeit- Palestine,
Conference Objectives
Within the controversial relationship between rural communities and the rising economies, and the political conflict, the conference aims at questioning the following:
- Agricultural land preservation & landscape maintenance
- Rural land use conflict: development of recreational use of rural areas, the lack of access to amenities and services, rural unemployment and protection of sensitive lands
- Rural residential visions: towns, villages, & metropolitan fringes, the planning of populations and substandard housing
- Natural resource management: ecosystems, biodiversity, water management
More Information
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Future City – Diverse City
Equal opportunities, planning, participation: For whom, by whom, how? October 24th-25th 2013
Berlin, Germany International conference in in the context of the Berlin Senate’s program "Thinking ahead for equal opportunities". The conference provides an opportunity to - explore how Berlin uses planning to promote diversity and equal opportunities in the city, - learn from international experience with gender-diversity sensitive and participatory processes in different fields of urban development, - discuss Berlin’s urban development challenges with local and international experts, in particular from a gender diversity perspective and - share experiences in dealing with gender diversity in academic and planning contexts. Registration and more information
Conference of the network ‘Women in the History of Garden Culture’
‘Women and gender specific considerations on urban gardening in cities and urban agglomerations’ The network ‘Women in the History of Garden Culture’ objectives are to make the work and role of women in the history of garden culture more visible and to consider a gender perspective within the topics garden and landscape. The conference ‘Women and gender specific considerations on urban gardening in cities and urban agglomerations’ reflects and discusses the topic from differentiated points of views. The conference aims to encourage an inter- and transdisciplinary exchange in particular between landscape and open space planning and also art and cultural studies. Furthermore, the annual conference is a platform for cultivating professional and personal contacts. The first day will consist of a series of lectures. At the second day excursions will take the participants to different garden sites in and close to Vienna. The objective is to present and discuss the diversity and complexity of the topic ‘urban gardening’ and its quality for everyday life of women and men, of young and elderly in cities and agglomerations. Registration more information (German) September 3-5, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Emotional Geographies
4th International & Interdisciplinary Conference 1-3 July 2013
University of Groningen
The Netherlands hosted by the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. CALL FOR SESSIONS also see PDF (213 KB) We seek papers that investigate the multiplicity of spaces and places that produce and are produced by emotional and affective life, representing an inclusive range of theoretical and methodological engagements with emotion as a social, cultural and spatial phenomenon. Themes include but are not limited to: migration, landscapes, development, governance, arts, ageing, embodiment, cities, population decline, ruralities, wellbeing, real estate, non-human actors, memory, entrepreneurship, methods. Key note speakers
Rosi Braidotti (University of Utrecht)
Nigel Thrift (University of Warwick)
Divya Tolia-Kelly (Durham University) Deadlines
Deadline for session proposals: October 15th, 2012
Deadline for abstracts: January 20th, 2013 Contact
Dr. Bettina van Hoven, Dept of Cultural Geography, University of Groningen. Email: