Project details
BIOSS - Biosphere reserves as models for science-society interaction to spur sustainability transformations in mountainous areas and beyond
BIOSS will use a nested research approach that includes document analysis, case studies, interviews, social network analysis, and a transnational co-creation workshop to explore best practices and identify conditions for successful knowledge co-creation. In doing so, the project aims to investigate to which degree mountain biosphere reserves (BR) have established themselves as models for transdisciplinary science-society interaction to spur transformations towards sustainability in mountain BR.

@UNESCO Biosphärenreservat - Val Müstair_Dunkler
BIOSS addresses the following research questions:
Which types of science-society interaction (e.g. strategic and functional partnerships, research activities, institutionalized forms of collaboration) have Biosphere Reserves (BR) experimented with, tested and established on a global level and in BR?
Which ‘knowledge-in-use’ and actual impact have transdisciplinary research projects created and to which degree did they spur sustainability transitions in the Mountain-BR?
What are general models of successful science-society interactions in mountain BR for what circumstances? How can future science-society interactions of different types in biosphere reserves in the Alpine DACH region be supported?