24 May 2022: SMACKER Final Conference - Hybrid

Remote regions in Central Europe share the same risks and issues related to being at the periphery of main transport networks. Inadequate and under-used services, excessive costs, lack of last-mile services and proper intermodality, poor communication and information to users and car commuting are the challenges that many central European regions face. The SMACKER project addresses those disparities to promote public transport and mobility services that are flexible, demand-responsive and that connect local and regional systems to main corridors and transport nodes.
Soft measures (e.g. behaviour change campaigns) and hard measures (e.g. mobility service pilots for flexible sustainable transport) are used to identify and promote eco-friendly solutions for mobility in rural and peripheral areas to achieve more liveable and sustainable environments, better integration of the population to main corridors and better services feeding main public transport. The project started in April 2019 and will end in June 2022. Main findings based on 6 pilot areas and 10 further regions that have participated in an Enlarged Transfer Programme (ETP) will be presented and discussed in this event.
Soft Measures & Actions for behavioural Change and Knowledge to embrace peripheral and rural areas
24 May 2022
SMACKER Final Conference - Hybrid
Physical Venue: Ilse Wallentin Haus, Seminar room 29/1, University of Bodenkultur
Peter-Jordan-Str. 82, 1190 Vienna, Austria
Information on transportation and covid
Programme - REGISTER NOW
Contact us
If you have any question, please contact us via smacker.conference(at)boku.ac.at
More details about SMACKER
Please visit the project homepage for further details: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/SMACKER.html