752001 Selected topics in food sciences (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Haltrich, Dietmar
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Jedes Jahr werden unter Einbeziehung von Gästen anderer Universitäten verschiedenste Themengebiete der Lebensmittelwisssenschaft vertieft; die präsentierten Themengebiete wechseln von Jahr zu Jahr und sind jewelis Fachgebiete der eingeladenen Gastvortragenden.
Dieses Jahr:
- Functional Foods- pro and prebiotics
Embark on an enriching journey into the realm of Functioinal Foods with the xourse on Probiotics and Prebiotics. Uncover the science behind these beneficial microorganisms and their potential health benefits. Through interactive learning, explore the art of creating functional foods by using different techniques adapted for specific foods.
- Food safety - probiotics impact in contaminated food
Discover the crucial intersection of Food Safety and Probiotics in this insightful exploration. Investigate the potential impact of probiotics on contaminated foods, unraveling how these beneficial microorganisms can mitigate risks and enhance food safety standards. Through case studies and scientific analysis, gain a deeper understanding of how probiotics can contribute to preserving food quality and reducing harmful pathogens.
- Human nutrition - probiotics and nutrients biodisponibility
By exploring the intricate interplay between probiotics and turient absorption, this course provides valuable insights into how optimizing gut health through probiotic supplementation and how probiotics metabolites can enhance nutrient bioavailability and contribute to overall health and well-being. Iron case study.
- Food culture - Romanian food
From iconic dishes like sarmale and mamaliga to the secrets of regional specialties, discover the diverse influences and ingredients that shape Romanian gastronomy.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Grundkenntnisse der Lebensmitteltechnologie und - wissenschaften


Nach erfolgreicher Absolvierung dieser Lehrveranstaltung sind die Studierenden in der Lage Fragen aus den vorgebrachten Themengebieten zu beantworten, und verschiedene Zusammenhänge der LM-Technologie und LM-Wissenschaften zu verknüfen und zu verstehen
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