752311 Biochemical reaction engineering (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Ludwig, Roland
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2024/25
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


The central theme of this lecture is the application of enzymes in biocatalysis and the design of an enzymatic process. The following aspects of biochemical reaction engineering will be discussed:

Lecture 1:
1. Course overview and introduction
2. Biotechnology, biotransformations, catalysis,…
3. Biocatalysis
4. Enzyme applications
5. Biochemical reaction engineering, biocatalyst screening and engineering

Lecture 2:
6. Enzymatic activity, diffusion, collisions and transitions
7. Enzyme kinetics (microkinetics)
8. Inhibition, multi-reactant systems
9. Substrate specificity, enantioselectivity,…

Lecture 3:
10. Macrokinetics
11. Reactor types
12. Scale-up, process control, process monitoring

Lecture 4:
13. Enzymatic redox transformations
14. Immobilisation vs. enzyme membrane reactor concept
15. Enzyme stability and deactivation
16. Solvents and environmental impact of processes
17. Green chemistry

Please see BOKUlearn for more information.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Participants will have to recall their knowledge from different lectures and disciplines in the field of biotechnology and create new connections.


After the positive completion of the course the students can:

1) Describe essential concepts of reaction kinetics (mass balance, mass transfer) and reactor types
2) Recall and explain important catalytic constants (Km, kcat,...) and process parameters (T, pH, [S], [P], [I],,...) which affect enzymatic reactions and their applications in industrial scale processes
3) Derive and interprete process diagrams (substrate conversion, product formation, reaction rate,...) and performance numbers (space-time yield, specific productivity, total turnover number,...)
4) Apply fundamental principles of biocatalysis for the engineering of a biochemical reaction
5) Asses and argue the influence of catalytic constants on enzymatic processes
6) Generate solutions for possible problems caused by non-ideal enzymes and poor reaction conditions
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