TAB-Scale 3: Das Haus das in die Zukunft blickt
TAB-Scale 3: Das Haus das in die Zukunft blickt
In this research project, a prognosis-based control concept is investigated in a demo residential building.
The demo residential building is equipped with thermal activated components (TAB). The advantage of this system is the high comfort for the residents, the high heat storage capacity and the low investment costs. However, the challenge with TAB is the high inertia of the heat-emitting system.
Therefore, the use of a weather forecast-based control system is investigated in this project. In a simple building model, knowing the weather forecast data for the next 48 hours, the heat demand of the building is optimized. The optimization algorithm and the update of the weather are data run on a raspberry pi. The monitoring of the energy and temperature data is carried out on a B&R-programmable logic control system.
First results show a high comfort with low energy consumption.
In parallel, the storage of wind power from a nearby wind farm is being investigated in a multi-storey residential building in Sommerein. It will be investigated whether the forecast-based control brings advantages in terms of storage. In a parallel simulation mode, the amount of energy injected using a forecast-based controller is compared with the amount of energy actually injected. Ideally, benefits from a forecast-based control strategie can be quantified.
The project is funded by the Niederösterreichische Wohnbauforschung and will run until March 2022. Project partners are Treberspurg & Partner Architekten ZT GesmbH and Ingenieubüro Wilhelm Hofbauer.
For futher information, please contact DI Dr. Magdalena Wolf.
Winkler, B., 2021, "Versuchsauswertung eines Gebäudes mit thermischer Bauteilaktivierung mit modellprädiktiver Regelung", Master thesis, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences.
Wolf, M., Pröll, T., Treberspurg, M., Treberspurg, C., Hofbauer, W., 2020 "Modellentwicklung und Validierung einer prognosebasierten Steuerung für thermisch aktivierte Bauteile im Wohnbau", 16.Symposium Energieinnovation, TU Graz, Februar 12-14, 2020.