2/2019 - Explore an animated graph showing the development of the metabolism of the world economy based on MISO results.
Made available by Metabolism of Cities

6/2018 - The quickening pace of global metabolism. The use of raw materials and production of waste rise with development around the world. A feature in the Knowable Magazine  

5/2018 - Poster Prize for Dominik Wiedenhofer at Gordon Research Conference 

4/2018 - The European Union includes indicators for circularity indicators developed in MISO in its monitoring framework: European Commission – Environment Newsroom: Measuring circular economy - new metrics for development

3/2017 - Willi Haas at the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference in Brussels 

4/2016 - Willi Haas at the conference Industrial Ecology: Science, the Environment and the Circular Economy 

See the presentation on youtube

11/2015 - Austrian Press Agency (APA) Press release: Ecologists calculate resource stocks worldwide