Peer reviewed journal articles
Haberl, H., Wiedenhofer, D., Pauliuk, S., Krausmann, F., Müller, D.B., Fischer-Kowalski, M., 2019. Sustainable society-nature interactions? Contributions from socio-metabolic research, Nature Sustainability 2, 173–184 .
Wiedenhofer, D., Fishman, T., Lauk, C., Haas, W., Krausmann, F. 2019. Integrating Material Stock Dynamics Into Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounting: Concepts, Modelling, and Global Application for 1900–2050, Ecological Economics 156, 121-133.
Mayer, A., Haas, W., Wiedenhofer, D., Krausmann, F., Nuss, P., Blengini, G.A. 2019. Monitoring the circular economy in the EU28 - A mass-balanced assessment of economy wide material flows, waste and emissions based on official statistics, Journal of Industrial Ecology 23 (1), 62-76.
Krausmann, F., Lauk, C., Haas, W., Wiedenhofer, D. 2018. From resource extraction to outflows of wastes and emissions: The socioeconomic metabolism of the global economy, 1900-2015. Global Environmental Change 52 (2018) 131–140.
Jacobi, N., Haas, W., Wiedenhofer, D., & Mayer, A. 2018. Providing an economy-wide monitoring framework for the circular economy in Austria: Status quo and challenges. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 137, 156-166.
Duro, J.A., Schaffartzik, A., Krausmann, F., 2018. Metabolic inequality and its impact on efficient contraction and convergence of international material resource use. Ecological Economics 145, 430-440. .
Miatto, A., Schandl H., Wiedenhofer, D., Krausmann, F., Tanikawa, H. 2017. Modelling long-term material flows and stocks of the road network in the United States. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 127, 168-178.
Shao, Q., Schaffartzik, A., Mayer, M., Krausmann, F. 2017. The high ‘price’ of dematerialization: A dynamic panel data analysis of material use and economic recession, Journal of Cleaner Production, 167 (2017) 120-132.
Krausmann, F., Schandl, H., Eisenmenger, N., Giljum, S., Jackson, T. 2017. Material Flow Accounting: Measuring Global Material Use for Sustainable Development. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 42, 647-675. .
Haberl, H., Wiedenhofer, D., Erb, K-H., Görg, C. and Krausmann, F. 2017. The Material Stock–Flow–Service Nexus: A New Approach for Tackling the Decoupling Conundrum. Sustainability 9, 1049, doi:10.3390/su9071049.
Krausmann, F., Wiedenhofer, D., Lauk, C., Haas, W., Tanikawa, H., Fishman, T., Miatto, A., Schandl, H., Haberl H. 2017. Global socioeconomic material stocks rise 23-fold over the 20th century and require half of annual resource use. PNAS 114 (8), 1880-1885.
Mayer, A., Haas, W., & Wiedenhofer, D. (2017). How countries' resource use history matters for human well-being–an investigation of global patterns in cumulative material flows from 1950 to 2010. Ecological economics, 134, 1-10. .
Wiedenhofer, D., Guan, D., Liu, Z., Meng, J., Zhang, N., & Wei, Y. M. 2017. Unequal Household Carbon Footprints in China. Nature Clim. Change 7 (1), 75–80. .
Krausmann, F., Gaugl, B., West, J. and Schandl, H. 2016. The metabolic transition of a planned economy: Material flows in the USSR and the Russian Federation 1900 to 2010. Ecological Economics 124, 76-85. .
Schaffartzik, A., Mayer, A., Eisenmenger, N., Krausmann, F. 2016. Global patterns of metal extractivism, 1950–2010: Providing the bones for the industrial society's skeleton. Ecological Economics 122, 101-110. .
Haas, W., Krausmann, F., Wiedenhofer, D., Heinz, M. 2015. How circular is the global economy? An assessment of material flows, waste production and recycling in the EU and the world in 2005. Journal of Industrial Ecology 19 (5), 765-777. .
Other publications
Schaffartzik, A., Wiedenhofer, D., 2018. Linking society and nature: material flows and the resource nexus, in: Bleischwitz, R., Hoff, H., Spataru, C., van der Voet, E., VanDeveer, S.D. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Resource Nexus. Routledge, Oxon, pp. 79–92.
Krausmann F., Fischer-Kowalski, M. 2017. Transitions socio-métaboliques globales. In: Allaire, Gilles, and Benoit Daviron (eds.). Transformations agricoles et agroalimentaires: entre écologie et capitalisme. Quae, pp. 23-40.
Krausmann, F. 2017. Social Metabolism. In: Clive L. Spash (editor), The Routledge Handbook of Ecological Economics: Nature and Society. Abingdon, Routledge, pp.108-118.
Krausmann, F., Schaffartzik, A., Mayer, A., Eisenmenger, N., Gingrich, S., Haberl, H., Fischer-Kowalski, M. 2016. Long-Term Trends in Global Material and Energy Use. In: Social Ecology: Society-Nature Relations Across Time And Space. Haberl, H., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Krausmann, F., Winiwarter, V. (editors), Human-Environment Interactions, Springer, Cham, pp. 199-216.
Mayer, A., Schaffartzik, A., Krausmann, F., Eisenmenger, N. 2016. More Than the Sum of its Parts: Patterns in Global Material Flows. In: Social Ecology: Society-Nature Relations Across Time And Space. Haberl, H., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Krausmann, F., Winiwarter, V. (editors), Human-Environment Interactions, Springer, Cham, pp. 217-237.
Haas, W., Heinz, M., Krausmann, F., Wiedenhofer, D. 2016. How Circular is the Global Economy? A Socio-Metabolic Analysis. In: Social Ecology: Society-Nature Relations Across Time And Space. Haberl, H., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Krausmann, F., Winiwarter, V. (editors), Human-Environment Interactions, Springer, Cham, pp. 259-277.