Master thesis topics available

We are looking for master students that would like to contribute to the project aims with their master thesis. We offer four research topics but your research ideas are also very welcome.

1.       Available topics:

#1: Inclusion of people with disabilities in sustainable farming higher education – perspectives and experiences from the Beira region, Mozambique
#2: Socially relevant sustainable agriculture education – prospects and challenges of a community-university partnership in the Beira region, Mozambique
#3: Towards a transdisciplinary, participatory, action-oriented approach in sustainable agriculture higher education – a case study in the Beira region, Mozambique
#4: Organic farming in Mozambique – prospects and challenges

2.       Eligibility:

The typical candidate will study at a university in Austria and either have a background: 1) in agriculture, water, soil, or similar and have a strong interest in gender, education and curricula development; 2) a social-science background (i.e. sociology, anthropology, economics) with a strong interest in sustainable farming. A good understanding of empirical social research methods will be helpful. Proficiency in English (communication and writing) is required. Good knowledge in Portuguese will be highly valued.

3.       Supervision:

You will be jointly co-supervised by Mozambican and Austrian scientists.

4.       Funding for the field work:

We sill support with the application for the KÜWI grant (BOKU), which covers part of the traveling and living costs. For more information on available master's theses, check:

Dissemination Workshops

From April 9 to 14, we held different seminars and workshops for the dissemination of the ISAM project at Uni Zambeze's three faculties, namely: the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Natural Resources in Chimoio, the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering in Mocuba and the Faculty of Sciences Land in Angónia.

The ISAM team consisted of six members, namely João Paulino, Iolanda Tachiua, Tomas Mukanhiua, Lotina Burine, José Dambiro and Izilda da Conceição. The constitution of the team to disseminate ISAM respected gender equality and equal opportunity.

The workshop objectives were to:

  1. Announce the existence of the project in CEIFA and the Zambezi University (ISAM objectives, philosophy, basic principles and operations);
  2. Mobilize teachers and researchers interested in the project (Conservation Agriculture);
  3. Request collaboration and institutional and personal support to the members of the rector's council;
  4. Collect contributions on topics from the curriculum of the AC and agricultural producer training manual and selection criteria for teachers, researchers and agricultural producers;
  5. Publish criteria for participation in the project and selection of teachers, researchers and producers proposed by the project team

 During these days we also visited small producers of the City of Dondo.


ISAM project team visit to smallholder farmers of the Beira region (Photo: João Paulino)

Getting started!

In April the ISAM Mozambican project team had its first planning meeting at CEIFA. The meeting aims at discussing the status-quo of agriculture and capacity building in the region and planning the activities and next steps for the project. There was also time for outside activities, where the participants visited different production sites in the region and discussed challenges and possible approaches.


First ISAM planning meeting (Photo: João Paulino)