Die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien widmet sich in Lehre und Forschung dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit und dem Management natürlicher Ressourcen.

Acta Geotechnica

The journal impact factors for the year 2019 have just been released by Thomson Reuters. Acta Geotechnica, with an Impact Factor of 4.35, reached the 3rd rank among the 39 journals in the world in the category "Engineering Geological".

Prof. Wu is the editor-in-chief. Acta Geotechnica was founded by Prof. Wu together with Prof. Borja (Stanford), Prof. Viggiani (Grenoble) and Prof. Yu (Nottingham) in 2006. In 2010 Acta Geotechnica was listed in the SCIE.


Acta Geotechnica

Acta Geotechnica

3rd rank in "Engineering Geological"

02. Juli 11:14 ‐

The journal impact factors for the year 2019 have just been released by Thomson Reuters. Acta Geotechnica, with an Impact Factor of 4.35, reached the 3rd rank among the 39 journals in the world in the category "Engineering Geological".

Prof. Wu is the editor-in-chief. Acta Geotechnica was founded by Prof. Wu together with Prof. Borja (Stanford), Prof. Viggiani (Grenoble) and Prof. Yu (Nottingham) in 2006. In 2010 Acta Geotechnica was listed in the SCIE.


Rekordzahlen und Sensationsfang

Das Team der BOKU University hat einen weiteren großen Schritt zum Schutz der bedrohten Sterlet-Population in der Donau gemacht: Gemeinsam mit dem ungarischen Projektpartner MATE AKI HAKI wurden über 242.000 junge Sterlets ausgesetzt.

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