Master's Programmes

Master's Programmes
Water is Life!
Mankind fully depends on water and services provided by aquatic ecosystems, hence human activities have led to serious degradation of rivers, lakes and groundwater ecosystems. Interdisciplinary trained experts are needed to support society in maintaining and restoring ecological services of freshwater ecosystems.
Think & Study Globally:
You are welcome to study the master programme Applied Limnology (AL) all the way through at BOKU University in Vienna or to spice-up your studies with some course modules at our partner universities in Kenya and/or The Netherlands.
Alternatively, you may go truly international by studying the International Joint Degree Master Programme in Limnology & Wetland Management (LWM), jointly offered by BOKU University, Egerton University in Kenya and IHE-Delft, Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands.
Impressions from the AL/LWM fieldcourse in Lunz am See
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