People Understanding the Role of Material Stock Patterns for the Transformation to a Sustainable Society (MAT_STOCKS)People Diese Seite ist erreichbar unter: Helmut Haberl, PIDominik Wiedenhofer, Deputy, project management & researcher Collaborators (Vienna Team): André Sebastian Baumgart Anna-Katharina Brenner Christian DorningerKarl-Heinz ErbMarina Fischer-Kowalski Benedikt GrammerChristoph Görg Robert Gross Willi HaasGerald Kalt Lisa KaufmannFridolin Krausmann Markus Löw Mathieu MaguetAndreas Mayer Sarah MatejMelanie PichlerBarbara PlankChristina PlankChristoph PlutzarMichaela C. Theurl Jan Streeck Doris Virag Hanspeter WielandVerena Winiwarter Collaborators (HU Berlin Team) Patrick HostertSebastian van der Linden (now with University of Greifswald)Franz SchugDavid Frantz Camila Gómez-Medina (stud. MA)