COST Actions
COST Actions
... are a flexible, fast, effective and efficient networking instrument for researchers, engineers and scholars to cooperate and coordinate nationally funded research activities. COST Actions allow European researchers to jointly develop their own ideas in any science and technology field.
COST Action CA18135
FIRElinks will develop the EU-spanning network of scientists and practitioners involved in forest fire research and land management and connect communities from different scientific and geographic backgrounds, allowing the discussion of different experiences and the emergence of new approaches to fire research.
The following staff members are acting as MC members in this COST Action:
- Harald Vacik
- Mortimer Müller
Urban Tree Guard
COST Action CA20132
Green infrastructure, including urban forests, has been proposed by European Commission as a strategy to support climate adaptation capacity and sustainable development in the urban areas where over 70% of the EU’s population live. The project will increase European competitiveness in the field of biosecurity, improving also the quality of everyday life for people, especially urban dwellers, in Europe and beyond. A co-created Wiki database, teaching tools for education in urban forest health, and a decision support tool will ensure the long-term impacts of the Action.
The following staff members are acting as MC members in this COST Action:
- Yasmin Dorfstetter
- Mathias Neumann