New paper by Willi Haas, André Baumgart, Nina Eisenmenger, Doris Virág et al.

How decarbonization and the circular economy interact: Benefits and trade‐offs in the case of the buildings, transport, and electricity sectors in Austria.

The widely heralded decarbonization of economies is a significant intervention in countries' societal metabolism. The circular economy (CE) shifts a country's metabolism toward less material demand, waste, and emissions, moving away from a linear resource flow pattern to one that narrows and slows flows and closes loops, in order to support climate protection. This article investigates for Austria how decarbonization and CE interact in the buildings, transport, and electricity sectors and shows that only a strong CE can ease decarbonisation, reduce land take and meet Austria’s circularity targets. 


Haas, W., Baumgart, A., Eisenmenger, N., Virág, D., Kalt, Gerald, G., Sommer, M., Kratena, K., Meyer, I., 2025. How decarbonization and the circular economy interact: Benefits and trade‐offs in the case of the buildings, transport, and electricity sectors in Austria. J of Industrial Ecology jiec.13619.


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Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Willi Haas
Institut für Soziale Ökologie
