World day to combat desertification
One third of the earth’ surface is affected by desertification. Climate change exacerbates the effects of drought, threatening food production. With 17 “desert days” (temperatures above 35°C) in 2015, the consequences of global changes are evident in Austria, too. How can we halt the conversion of arable land into desert that is lost to agriculture? Can we reverse desertification processes in spite of climate change? How? These are some of the questions we will address in three panel discussions at the World Day to combat desertification. Join us on the 17th of June at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences! Participation is free of charge, but registration at wuestentag(at) is required. The conference is jointly organized by the Centre for Development Research (BOKU) and the Institute for Development Research (University of Vienna). More information will be available at soon! Please find more information in the programme.