If users present data obtained within the CF FBP (publications or oral/poster presentations), they must acknowledge the facility. Citing the facility in the acknowledgements is the only way we can track the impact of our services. We would appreciate receiving a copy of all publications for which the CF FBP infrastructure was used. If users need help with preparing a manuscript using data generated via the CF FBP services (e.g. presentation of data or description of the methodology), please contact the CF FBP staff. Good scientific practice demands that members of the facility who have contributed intellectually to a publication will be considered as co-authors.
Possible variant for acknowledgements:
"We thank [Name of person] for conducting [Name of experiment/processes/analyses]. The equipment was kindly provided by the EQ-BOKU VIBT GmbH and the BOKU Core Facility Food & Bio Processing."
In case the core facility staff member is listed as author:
"The [Name of Equipment] was kindly provided by the EQ-BOKU VIBT GmbH and the BOKU Core Facility Food & Bio Processing."