Dr. Monika Debreczeny

Dr. Monika Debreczeny

Head of the BOKU Core Facility Multiscale Imaging

Email:  Monika.Debreczeny(at)boku.ac.at

Phone: +43 1 47654-99310

Phone Laboratory: +43 1 47654-99311/99312

Dr. Rene Ladurner

Dr. Rene Ladurner

Senior Scientist at the BOKU Core Facility Multiscale Imaging

Email:  Rene.Ladurner@boku.ac.at

Phone: +43 1 47654-35013

Mag. Dr. Jennifer Schoberer

Mag. Dr. Jennifer Schoberer

Scientific head of BOKU Core Facility Multiscale Imaging

Senior Scientist, Insitute of Plant Biotechnology and Cell Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Food Science


Priv.-Doz. Dr. Peter van Oostrum

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Peter van Oostrum

Deputy scientific head of the BOKU Core Facility Multiscale Imaging

Senior Scientist, Institute of Colloid and Biointerface Science, Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Resources



Advisory Board

Advisory Board

Christian Luschnig (Chair, Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Food Science)

Elsa Arcalis (Institute of Plant Biotechnology and Cell Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Food Science)

Madhusudhan Reddy Bobbili (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Department of Biotechnology and Food Science)

Christian Zafiu (Institute of Waste Management and Circularity, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure)

Heinz Redl (LBI Trauma)

Kareem Elsayad (Division of Anatomy, Medical University of Vienna)

Postal Adress

Monika Debreczeny, PhD

BOKU Core Facilities

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Muthgasse 18
1190 Vienna


Where to find us

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) 

Simon Zeisel Haus ("Muthgasse III") 
Muthgasse 11,
A-1190 Wien 

The office can be found on the ground floor, Room number: 3-EG/30
The facility is in the basement! Room numbers: 3-U2/09 and 3-U1/50


  • Coming from the U4 underground station “Heiligenstadt”take the exit “Muthgasse”.
  • Immediately after leaving the station, turn right and go upstairs.
  • Follow Michael-Neumann-Gasse, appr. 150 m. 
  • Take the entrance to BOKU building “Simon Zeisel Haus (Muthgasse III)” on your left hand side.
  • If you do not have access card to the facility, find the office (3-EG/30) on the ground floor. The door is open between 8:00 am and 06:00 pm. Beyond office hours, please, call one of the numbers above.
  • If you have an access card to the facility, take an elevator or the stairs which lead you down to the basement (U2). Then, follow the signs ”Multiscale Imaging”.