Lehrveranstaltungen BOKU-StartDepartment für Naturwissenschaften und Nachhaltige RessourcenInstitut für Chemie nachwachsender RohstoffeLehrveranstaltungen Diese Seite ist erreichbar unter: https://boku.ac.at/nwnr/chnr/lehrveranstaltungen https://short.boku.ac.at/9e3mkw LVA-Nummer Titel ECTS LVA-Nummer TYP ECTS Titel Wintersemester 2024/25 774011 VO Current advances in biorefineries (in Eng.) 2 774011 VO 2 Current advances in biorefineries (in Eng.) 774016 VU Circular economy in textiles (in Eng.) 2 774016 VU 2 Circular economy in textiles (in Eng.) 774110 VO Biomaterialchemie 2 774110 VO 2 Biomaterialchemie 774301 VO Chemie und Technologie nachwachsender Rohstoffe (in Eng.) 2 774301 VO 2 Chemie und Technologie nachwachsender Rohstoffe (in Eng.) 774304 SE Masterseminar (in Eng.) 2 774304 SE 2 Masterseminar (in Eng.) 774314 VO Biopolymers for sustainable utilization (in Eng.) 2 774314 VO 2 Biopolymers for sustainable utilization (in Eng.) 774326 VO Chemicals from biomass (in Eng.) 2 774326 VO 2 Chemicals from biomass (in Eng.) 774327 VO Polymerchemie und Technologie 2 774327 VO 2 Polymerchemie und Technologie 774402 SE Presenters club (in Eng.) 1 774402 SE 1 Presenters club (in Eng.) 774404 SE Dissertantenseminar Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (in Eng.) 2 774404 SE 2 Dissertantenseminar Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (in Eng.) 774406 SE Scientific tools for ABC&M I (in Eng.) 3 774406 SE 3 Scientific tools for ABC&M I (in Eng.) 774410 VU Data Visualization for communication and exploration (in Eng.) 3 774410 VU 3 Data Visualization for communication and exploration (in Eng.) Sommersemester 2025 774018 VO Chemical analysis and method development using supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography (in Eng.) 2 774018 VO 2 Chemical analysis and method development using supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography (in Eng.) 774109 UE Chemie NAWAROS 1 774109 UE 1 Chemie NAWAROS 774125 VO Chemische Technologie NAWAROS 2 774125 VO 2 Chemische Technologie NAWAROS 774304 SE Masterseminar (in Eng.) 2 774304 SE 2 Masterseminar (in Eng.) 774305 VO Plant polysaccharide analysis (in Eng.) 2 774305 VO 2 Plant polysaccharide analysis (in Eng.) 774322 VO Chemische Prozesse in Atmosphäre, Hydrosphäre und Geosphäre 2 774322 VO 2 Chemische Prozesse in Atmosphäre, Hydrosphäre und Geosphäre 774328 UE Übung zu Green Chemistry I (in Eng.) 6 774328 UE 6 Übung zu Green Chemistry I (in Eng.) 774404 SE Dissertantenseminar Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (in Eng.) 2 774404 SE 2 Dissertantenseminar Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (in Eng.) 774408 SE Scientific retreat ABC&M I (in Eng.) 4 774408 SE 4 Scientific retreat ABC&M I (in Eng.) 774410 VU Data Visualization for communication and exploration (in Eng.) 3 774410 VU 3 Data Visualization for communication and exploration (in Eng.)