Meeting our Company Partner Kick Off Meeting of CD Laboratory, January 11, 2024, BOKU University, Vienna

On January 11, 2024 we had our kick-off meeting with our company partner Boehringer-Ingelheim at BOKU Universtity. It was our pleasure to bring the entire team of the CD Laboratory together in person and to host the colleagues from our company partner BOKU University in Vienna. Thanks to all participants for great presentations, vivid discussions and great team spirit! What an inspiring start into our collaboration.

v.l.n.r. Sabrina LEIGHEB, Maria TOTH, Mahbod MOUSAVIAN Aida TLEUOVA, Francois DU PLESSIS (Boehringer Inghelheim, Associate Director, Gene Therapy, Research Beyond Borders), Maral RAHIMZADEH, Reingard GRABHERR, Alexander BRIX (Boehringer Inghelheim, Lab Head “Drug Substances”), Bernd REHBERGER (Boehringer Inghelheim, Lab Head “Development Biologicals” & “Automation”), Udo MAIER (Boehringer Inghelheim, Head of Research Beyond Borders Europe), Astrid DÜRAUER, Head CD Laboratory, Georg SMESNIK, Mark DÜRKOP (Novasign, CEO), Robin NILSSON (Boehringer Inghelheim, ) Till WENGER, Company Representative (Boehringer Ingelheim, Head of Development Core Technologies), Maximilian KRIPPL (Novasign), Nikolaus VIRGOLINI, Theresa SCHARL, Petra POLAK, Patricia PEREIRA AGUILAR (acib GmbH)