Em. Prof. Steve Tyerman from the University of Adelaide, Australia, will teach at BOKU during the winter semester 2023/24 as Guest Professor.

The Department of Crop Sciences, Institute of Viticulture and Pomology is hosting Prof. Tyerman, whois the head of the Department of Plant Science at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and his research focuses on solutes and water transport, signaling processes and grapevine physiology. In particular, he works on the molecular and physiological events that underline cell death in the grape berry. He is also involved in projects on mitigation strategies for viticulture in the context of climate change, where heat-waves and drought are regular in Australia.

In his course, Prof. Tyerman will teach about secondary metabolites and berry development in grapevines, as well as the effect of climate change of grapevine phenology, photosynthesis, and fruit quality. His scientific seminar is entitled: “Late ripening shrivel and cell death in Syrah: suffocation under increased temperature stress”, and he will also meet scientists within the Institute of Viticulture to discuss potential future research projects.

Seminar invitation:

