Dr. habil. Philipp Häuselmann
Ass.Prof. Dr. Christopher Lüthgens
Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Neuhuber Stephanie, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Gustav Firla B.Sc.
Clemens Schmalfuß M.Sc
Dipl.-Ing. Sabrina Prochazka
Arbeitsgruppe Alpenvorland Quartär (AGAQ)
- Annual Meeting of the AGAQ
- Scientific Deep Drilling - the Heidelberg Basin Project. (pdf)
- Costa Rica: Volcanic Ashes and Landuse. (pdf)
- Overview cooperations Vienna - Bern - Zürich: Erosion and accumulation. (pdf)
Burial Age Dating:
- Burial age dating of clastic sediments, Slovenia. (pdf)
- Burial Age-Datierungen. (pdf)
- Rates of valley incision in the European Alps approached by cosmogenic nuclides. (pdf)
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL):
- OSL dating in southern Germany, high terraces of the Würm. (pdf)
- EU-Projekt AQUATERRA: Zeroing in Modern Sediments of the river Danube, Austria. (pdf)
- OSL-Dating of Floodplain Sediments from the river Danube (Austria), Ebro (Spain) and Elbe (Germany). (pdf)
- Glacio-isostatic induced changes of river courses and fluvial terraces in the South German Alpine Foreland. (pdf)
Alpine research:
- Late Pleistocene Human Occupation and Ice Development in the Eastern Alps. (pdf)
- Paleoenvironment in the Eastern Alps during the last Glacial Cycle. (pdf)
- Alpine Cave Bears and Climate in Marine Isotope Stage 3. (pdf)
- Last remains of fauna and flora shortly before the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum in the Alpine area. (pdf)
- Developing scenarios for the adaption of the high alpine trail network to consequences of climate change. (link)
- Erarbeitung von Szenarien zur Anpassung des hochalpinen Wegenetzes an klimabedingte Landschaftsveränderungen. (link)
National Partners: Geological Survey of Austria (Geologische Bundesanstalt, GBA Wien, Jürgen Reitner) University of Vienna, Institute of Paleontology (Universität Wien, Institut für Paläontologie, Martina Pacher, Gernot Rabeder) University of Vienna (Universität Wien, Erdwissenschaftliches Zentrum - Geologie, Bernhard Grasemann, Kurt Decker, Hermann Häusler, Christian Köberl, Michael Wagreich) National Park Donau Auen (Nationalpark Donauauen, Christian Baumgartner, Karoline Zsak ) International Partners: Bavarian State Office for Environment (Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Gerhard Doppler, Ulrich Haas) University of Berne, Research Group Quaternary and Environmental Geology (Universität Bern, Forschungsgruppe Quartär- und Umweltgeologie, Flavio Anselmetti, Christian Schlüchter) ETH Zurich (ETH Zürich, PSI Ion Beam Physics-group, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Peter Kubik)
Hungarian Geological Institute, Budapest, Annamaria Nador, Edit Bozso,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge Quaternary, Phil Gibbard, Quaternary associations: DEUQUA Deutsche Quartärvereinigung e.V. SQS Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy INQUA International Union for Quaternary Research