Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment


Replacement of skim milk powder in milk replacers for rearing calves


The possibility of substituting whey products and soy and potato protein concentrates for skim milk powder in milk replacers for calf rearing was tested in two calf-rearing experiments with groups of male simmental calves, 15 animals per group. In both experiments one group was given a milk replacer consisting of 50 % whole milk powder and 50 % skim milk powder. For the first feeding period (29 to 50 days of age) the calves were fed six liters, for the second feeding period (50 to 75 days of age) four liters twice a day Concentrated feed was offered in unlimited quantities. The animals were kept in a tying stall with straw bedding. In the first experiment, group 2 was given a commercial milk replacer for rearing calves with 60 % skim milk powder for the first fee ding period and 40 % for the second. In group 3, the skim milk powder was replaced completely with whey powder. No significant differences concerning daily gains and feed efficiency could be determined between the groups. Rearing performance tended to be inferior in group 3, but this could not be statistically proven. In the second experiment, no skim milk powder at all was given to groups 2 and 4. Each group received 3 % potato protein concentrate, and group 2 received 12.7 % soy protein concentrate; group 4 received 7.0 % soy protein concentrate. The percentage of whey products was 65.1 % and 70.9 % respectively. In group 3, the skim milk powder was replaced except for 10 % by whey products, soy protein and potato protein concentrate. Statistical analysis of the rearing performance of the individual animals showed no significant differences between the groups. The calves in group 2 tended to be inferior in daily gain and feed efficiency. Key-words: calf rearing, milk replacer, whey powder, soy protein concentrate, potato protein concentrate.