"Read & Publish" Deal

The Main Library offers the opportunity to publish Open Access in 14 journals of the International Water Association (IWA) at no additional cost for BOKU scientists. Corresponding authors must be affiliated with BOKU according to UG 2002 §94 at the date of submission. This offer also grants a 25% discount on publication costs of Open Access books. The agreement also includes full online reading access to IWA journal content. License period 2022-2024.

Workflow: https://iwaponline.com/pages/rp_guidelines

  • Create a personalized account
  • Specification of institutional e-mail address and affiliation
  • Verification of the authors affiliation by the publisher
  • Automatic waiver of publication fees
  • Preferred license: CC-BY

Please mention the funding in the acknowledgements of the article ("Open access funding provided by University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)").

Further information for authors on Open Access at IWA:



 Journal titles:

  • Blue-Green Systems
  • H2Open Journal
  • Water Reuse
  • Hydrology Research
  • Journal of Hydroinformatics
  • Journal of Water and Climate Change
  • Journal of Water and Health
  • Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development
  • AQUA: Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society
  • Water Practice and Technology
  • Water Policy
  • Water Science and Technology
  • Water Supply
  • Water Quality Research Journal

Please direct questions to ub.support(at)boku.ac.at.


 → UB Bodenkultur  (ub.support(at)boku.ac.at)