Overview IT Services for New Staff Members

The Three or Four Most Important IT-Services
for new BOKU staff members
The PC at Your Work Place ...
... is the property of your organization unit and is therefore not the property of BOKU-IT. Generally, there are one or several IT managers ("EDV-Verantwortliche") who bought the equipment, connected it to the network, installed the most important software, and generated a local Windows account for you. Please first turn to your IT manager at your respective organization unit with questions and requests related to your work place PC.
BOKU Account
The BOKU account is the key to almost all BOKU IT services. Again, there is an IT manager at your organization unit who provides you with your PIN code so that you can establish your own account via BOKUonline using a user name and password of your individual choice (and invariably secret!)
- Account für BOKU staff members (information only in German)
Many rights (e.g. printing at the expense of the organizational unit, locking authorizations, VPN, ...) are released decentrally by the IT managers of your organizational unit.
Via BOKUonline, you request your BOKUcard, administrate your account and email address, register for IT training, gain information on your remuneration, and much more. If you are lecturing, you will also carry out all organizational tasks using BOKUonline - ranging from teaching inquiries to course registration to examination management.
GroupWise - E-Mails and Appointments
GroupWise connects you with your colleagues at BOKU as well as the entire world via emails, using one common appointment management.
- All information on GroupWise (information only in German)
Network Drives, Institute Network Drives
In many cases you will wish to access the same data as other team members. Also in this respect your data is in good hands on out network drives. It is safe and always available - even in the case of a possible malfunction of your workplace pc. If you wish, your data is also available outside BOKU.
- Network drives (information only in German)
Video Conferencing
- Video Conferencing at BOKU